How To Reset Your Body: 4 Tips For A Health Reset

It's time to Spring Clean ... your body but it doesn't need to be Spring, it can be anytime of the year! That's right—I'm discussing how to reset your body to set it up for optimal health!

While some have managed to keep their health a priority, many of us have struggled in some way—physically, emotionally, mentally … or all of the above!

So, if you've been living unhealthily or just not as healthy as you could be, this is the article for you!

I'm going to unveil all my best tips—everything from how to rid your body of the toxins that cause you to store unwanted fat to the best ways to increase energy and combat insomnia. This is one article you'll want to bookmark to reference again and again!

Let’s get started and learn all about how to reset your body to return to wellness!


How to reset your body - Dr. Pingel


How To Reset Your Body: 4 Tips You Can Implement Today!

Here are my top four tips for how to reset your body so that you can have your healthiest, happiest year yet!

1. Detox your body.

At the beginning of the year, we discussed how to reset your body by doing a detox.

Remember, a detox isn’t simply a jumpstart for weight loss. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes when you do a detox.

So, if you’re wondering how to reset your body by doing a detox, here’s how it works: When you eat detoxifying foods, you’re flushing toxins out of your body.

But you’re also giving your body the rest it needs so that it can actually respond to your continued health and even dietary efforts.

To learn more about how to do a detox, click here. And if you want more specific guidance that takes out all the guesswork, check out my easy seven-day detox. It walks you through exactly what to do and when!

2. Get moving.

Wondering how to reset your body from an activity standpoint? The great news is that you don’t have to purchase an expensive gym membership or engage in some hard-on-your-body workout plan.

Simply getting out and walking in nature does wonders for not only your psyche but also your physical health.

According to a 2015 study, people who walked through a green space, such as a park or nature trail, experienced lower frustration, engagement, and arousal. Meanwhile, they also experienced higher states of meditation. [1]

And additional research has shown that walking for just 20 minutes each day can reduce symptoms of fatigue by up to 65 percent!

But that’s not all. Other research has revealed that the key to weight loss may lie in simply enjoying a walk outside!

According to a 2013 randomized clinical trial, you can lose up to 33 percent more weight by walking 20 minutes a day than by remaining sedentary! [2]

But as you may have guessed, there’s a specific type of walking that delivers the best results. Click here to learn more about it, and then If you’re looking or an exact protocol to follow, check out my new Walking for Weight Loss eBook, which is based on this exact research.

3. Eat more plants.

If you’re searching for how to reset your body, you may be wondering if you need to overhaul your diet. The truth is that you will need to make some adjustments.

I don’t believe that everyone has to cut out animal products altogether, but I do believe that plants should make up at least 75 percent of your diet simply due to their amazing health benefits.

An easy way to do this is to sub out some of the meat you eat with protein-rich plants. Here’s a great example why: A 10-day study published in 2017 tested how satisfying mushrooms are in comparison to meat.

Amazingly, the researchers discovered that those who ate mushrooms instead of meat reported greater fullness, less hunger, and even less snacking throughout the study duration. [3]

I don’t know about you, but if I’m trying to reset my body and reclaim my health, I’m looking to experience less hunger and greater satisfaction after my meals!

To get a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate more plants in to your diet, check out my article on 10 Steps to Eating a Plant-Based Diet.

4. Support your body’s stress response.

The truth of the matter is that if you do all of the above, you’re already going a long way in supporting your body’s ability to handle the stress that comes your way by supporting your adrenal health, which will go in a long way in your search or how to reset your body.

But there’s one final element we haven’t discussed that’s just as important: prioritizing the mind-body connection!

You see, when you’re under stress, it impacts your mental health. And anything that impacts your mental health also takes a toll on your physical health as well. For example, have you ever been so upset you felt physically ill? That’s an example of stress’s ability to harm your physical health.

To support your body’s stress response through the mind-body connection, it’s imperative that you’re in touch with your innermost thoughts, feelings, and ability or inability to handle what’s coming at you—whether it’s interpersonal relationships struggles, financial concerns, job-related stress … the list just goes on.

I recommend starting with journaling or practicing gratitude at the end of each day. You can also work on reframing your more negative experiences to glean positive learning lessons.

For more tips and how-to information about the link between the mind-body connection and your overall health, check out my book Total Health Turnaround.


Key Takeaways

5 Health Benefits of Sex: Stress Relief, Deeper Connection, & More

When we think of sex, a variety of thoughts or reactions can come to mind. While some may be embarrassed to discuss it openly, others view it as a natural occurrence or expression of love between two people. But have you ever wondered about the health benefits of sex?

The truth of the matter is that while sex certainly supports a deeper connection between partners, it has some pretty incredible health benefits. So, let’s take a look at some of the top benefits of sex to learn all about how it actually supports whole-body health!

5 Health Benefits of Sex

Is sex good for you? When consensual, the short answer to this is a resounding yes! Curious about how it supports your health? Here are five of the top health benefits of sex.

1. Lowers cortisol levels

During times of stress, cortisol (the stress hormone) rises to help your body adapt to the stress and respond accordingly. But with our busy modern lives, chronic stress is on the rise, which results in consistently elevated cortisol levels. The result? We’re left feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and unable to successfully complete our everyday tasks.

Interestingly, one of the major benefits of sex is its ability to help lower cortisol levels, resulting in more feelings of calm. Research has shown that when a majority of women experienced feelings of arousal, desire, and satisfaction, they also showed a decrease in cortisol levels.

2. Boosts endorphins

Another one of the great benefits of sex is its ability to boost endorphins, also known as the “happy hormone.”

According to a 2016 review of clinical studies, researchers confirmed that most physical exercise, including sex, not only helps to reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels but also stimulates the production of endorphins. Known specifically to naturally elevate your mood, endorphins are also known to help relieve pain and reduce stress.

Interestingly, the 2016 review also confirmed that one of the top benefits of sex is the release of oxytocin, which not only promotes emotional bonding but also supports cardiovascular health.

3. Reduces blood pressure

Speaking of cardiovascular health, another one of the top benefits of sex is its ability to help reduce blood pressure!

According to one European study, those who reported having sex more frequently were revealed to have slower heart rates and lower blood pressure than people who had sex less frequently.

Meanwhile, other research has shown that men who had sex at least twice each week were almost 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease in comparison to men who had sex once a month.

4. Fights insomnia

If you’re exhausted due to insomnia, odds are that having sex is the last thing on your mind. You just want to sleep! But you may be surprised to learn that one of the best benefits of sex is that it actually fights insomnia and promotes better, more restful sleep.

According to a 2016 study, women with a history of insomnia who had sex and achieved an orgasm shortly before going to sleep were not only able to fall asleep easier and faster but also stay asleep longer.

5. Supports satisfaction in relationship

Finally, as humans, we’re hardwired to seek and crave emotional connection—something that’s essential for our well-being. And perhaps one of the greatest benefits of sex is that it promotes bonding and forming a deeper connection with your partner.

Research has shown that the release of oxytocin that happens during sex not only supports feelings of trust but also promotes feelings of love and bonding in couples. That said, studies have shown that it’s also vitally important to continue to foster an emotional connection outside of the bedroom with your partner in order to reap the full benefits of having a healthy, loving, romantic relationship.

Benefits of sex - Dr. Pingel

Key Takeaways:

5 Times You Need to Get a Second Opinion

Today I want to discuss with you a topic near and dear to my heart: how to know when you should get a second opinion. We live in a culture where doctors are revered and we’ve been told not to question them or their decisions for our health.

But the truth of the matter is that we shouldn’t see their comments as decisions but more as recommendations that we then consider in light of what we instinctually know about our personal health situation. Now, sometimes a physician’s recommendation is on point, but other times it’s not.

So, how do you know when to follow your doctor’s advice and when to seek a second opinion? Keep reading to get the answer to this along with why getting a second opinion is important and what you should expect.

What Is a Second Opinion?

Let’s start by discussing something that may sound obvious but perhaps isn’t quite what you’re expecting: What is a second opinion?

Technically speaking, getting a second opinion is seeking advice from an expert (in this case it’s as a doctor) to see if this assessment and advice aligns with those of the first expert. In healthcare, this expert is often referred to as a “second opinion doctor,” and can be anything from a general practitioner (such as a medical doctor or naturopathic physician) to a specialist, depending on your situation.

In order to dive into more details about seeking out a second opinion doctor and what to expect and why it’s important, let’s take a look at the different situations that warrant getting a second opinion.


5 Situations that Warrant a Second Opinion

So, when and why is a second opinion important? Let’s take a look at some of the top health-focused situations in which you will want or need to seek a second opinion.

1. Your doctor has diagnosed you with a life-changing condition or illness.

Whether it’s a diagnosis of a lifestyle-induced illness or a hereditary condition, receiving the news that you have an illness that could either shorten your life or radically change your lifestyle is devastating.

Sometimes there’s a question of whether or not this is really happening and if the doctor could have made a mistake. That’s why I always recommend seeking a second opinion from a qualified medical expert. Have your second opinion doctor review any labs, imaging, history of symptoms, etc. before providing his or her thoughts. Also, be aware that your second opinion doctor may want to run his or her own labs or tests, too.

2. Your doctor has recommended medications that come with major and/or undesired side effects.

Don’t think that seeking out a second opinion is only necessary in cases of life-or-death diagnoses. The truth is that certain medications such as statins and metformin come with a variety of undesired side effects that can leave you feeling worse than you do now!

If your physician has recommended that you begin a new medication to support anything from your blood sugar levels to your blood pressure or cholesterol, I always recommend seeking a second opinion—and this is where consulting with a naturopathic physician can be a great choice. He or she will look at all of your history and test results and help you determine if there are all-natural alternatives to certain medications or if you do, in fact, need to begin certain medications.

The caveat here, though, is that if you do decide to start on a new medication for something that can be improved with lifestyle changes, you’ll want to consult with your doctor about what measures you can take—with everything from your diet to your exercise habits to your stress management—and develop a plan to reduce your need for those medications over time.

3. Your doctor has recommended surgery.

While some surgeries are absolutely necessary and critical, others aren’t—but it can be hard to truly discern that on your own. If your primary physician has recommended a surgical procedure, it’s always a great idea to seek a second opinion just make sure that surgery is, in fact, the appropriate next step and that you have exhausted all other options.

Anytime you go under the knife, you’re putting external stress on your body, so you want to make sure the outcome is worth the experience.

4. Your insurance requires a second opinion.

Sometimes your insurance requires a second opinion before it will pay for a procedure. If you’re seeking a second opinion due to insurance demands, begin by asking your doctor for a referral to another physician and take along all necessary documentation to provide an entire health picture.

Things to make sure you include are all medications and/or supplements you’re currently taking, test results, lab work, and anything else your current physician may have taken into account when making his or her recommendation.

5. Your instinct is that something isn’t quite right with the first opinion/recommendation.

I can’t overstate how many of my patients have first come to me because their guts were screaming that the recommendation from their first doctor wasn’t the right fit or approach for them.

Whether you feel a diagnosis was incorrect or suspect there’s a better, more natural and gentler approach that could work for you, if your gut is telling you to seek out a second opinion doctor before moving forward with a certain medical decision, trust your instincts! After all, seeking a second opinion may not only save your sanity—it can also save your life! And if nothing else, the peace of mind that seeking a second opinion will provide is well worth it.

Second opinion - Dr. Pingel


How to Get a Second Opinion

Finally, if you’re wondering how to get a second opinion, take heart that it should be a relatively straight-forward process. You can begin by asking your doctor to recommend someone to provide one.

Now, one common question people have is if doctors are offended by second opinions. Here’s my answer to that: If your doctor is offended, then you may not have the best doctor-patient relationship, and that’s a red flag. A good doctor will encourage you to ask questions and avoid any kind of judgmental behavior.

If your doctor refuses to provide a reputable recommendation for a second opinion doctor, ask friends and/or family about their physicians. You can also search for specialists, depending on your medical situation, and call to schedule an appointment for a second opinion.

When you do make the call, someone from the doctor’s office should tell you what they need you to bring, and they will likely have you fill out intake forms as well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about what to expect from the appointment, including how long the doctor will spend with you, what experience they have with certain situation/areas of expertise, and whether they tend to take a more conservative or aggressive approach.

Each of these important answers will help you to determine if this is the right second opinion doctor for you. Remember, the whole point of getting a second opinion is to help you best determine your next course of action for your health—and feeling confident in the expert from whom you’re seeking that second opinion is critical for you to be truly empowered in your health journey.

How To Take Time For Yourself: The Art of Micro-Moments 

Today I'm prescribing something specific for you: Take time for yourself—even if it's just a few moments. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But, Dr. Pingel, I can't—I'm just too busy/overwhelmed, etc."

I get it; I've been there myself as I struggled to find the balance of it all. The idea to take time for yourself can seem impossible at first. But that's when I started incorporating the art of micro-moments—and it changed everything for me, from how I felt to how I viewed time management to even how I interacted with my family! And these were all positive changes!

Keep reading to learn more about what micro-moments are and how they can benefit your health and help restore balance to your life!

Why You Need to Take Time For Yourself

Do you ever feel like you’re on autopilot—simply going through the motions of your day just to get everything done? You aren’t alone; researchers have found that at least 47 percent of people spend their days on “autopilot,” meaning they’re following automated behaviors while their thoughts are elsewhere.

The result? They aren’t as engaged and report a significant decrease in happiness. And that’s not really surprising, is it?

How often do we “make it through the day” with the hope of having a more peaceful, restful tomorrow—only to be met with the same demands the following day? We live life in the fast line with no signs of being able to hit the breaks anytime soon.

Eventually, we run ourselves into the ground because our bodies are so exhausted that they can no longer keep up, and that’s when we not only enter “autopilot” mode but also begin to experience symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, crippling fatigue, elevated blood pressure, and more.

And perhaps one of the worst effects? We miss out on the very things that mean the most to us—being there for our loved ones and truly experiencing those special moments. It’s hard to realize that in our attempts to make it through our to-do lists by not stopping with the goal of having more time later on, we’re inevitably losing what little time we’d hoped to gain.

So, what’s the solution? Counterintuitively, you absolutely must take time for yourself throughout the day. It allows your mind and body to take a much-needed break so that you aren’t completely mentally and physically exhausted by the end of the day.

When you take time for yourself, you can be mentally and emotionally present more often when you’re needed most—by your kids, grandkids, spouse, friends, extended family, and more. But with all your demands and busy schedule, how can you possibly carve out time for yourself throughout the day?

If you can't remember the last time you took time for yourself, you need to incorporate the art of micro-moments!


Take time for yourself - Dr. Pingel


Micro-Moments For Your Health: What They Are & How They Work

A micro-moment is defined as a very short period of time that serves a specific purpose or holds some importance. When you consider this in terms of your health, you’re carving out very short moments of time to do something highly personalized for yourself that helps to find balance, recenter, and emerge feeling more restored and energized.

For me, dancing is my go-to micro-moment exercise. If I’m ever feeling overwhelmed or in need of a quick energy boost, I carve out 3 to 5 minutes to dance to an upbeat song—whether it’s in my office, in my kitchen, or even outdoors! Dancing is what I love and something that brings me joy and energy, but that may not be the best micro-moment activity for you.

Perhaps you love to read or cook or craft—whatever the activity is, just make sure that when you take time for yourself, you’re doing something that truly fills your soul and brings you happiness.

Here are some steps to take to prioritize micro-moment activities along with some suggestions on what to do.

3 Steps for Making Micro-Moments

Not sure where to start? Check out these top tips for what to do when you take time for yourself and how to set aside that precious time that’s usually otherwise spoken for!

1. Add it into your schedule.

On Sunday night, look at your schedule for the week ahead. Pick a time that you know doesn’t usually fill up with meetings or calls and also that won’t require you to be “on” for others—such as when your kids are sleeping or at school or your spouse has left for work.

Schedule at least two 5-minute increments of time each day (more if possible!) for your micro-moment activity and set a reminder so you don’t forget!

2. Change your environment.

Even if you’re just moving into the next room or stepping outside, it’s important to remove yourself from any distractions, such as your computer or phone, for your micro-moment activity. Allow yourself to be fully in the moment, which you can do because you know you’ll be gone for less than the time it takes to go to the restroom!

Remember, anything that comes up in the next 5 minutes or so can absolutely wait until you get back.

3. Choose an activity you can lose yourself in.

While meditating for short bursts of time may work for some, if you’re like most people, learning how to take time for yourself—even if it is just a few moments—is going to be a big adjustment at first. So choose something engaging.

Is there a certain book you’ve been dying to start, a song you love to dance to, or a craft you’re in the process of creating? Do you love writing or going for a bike ride? It doesn’t matter what the activity is as long as it’s totally about you and something you love. Remember, the point here is to do something that brings you joy and fulfillment.


How to Extend Beyond Micro-Moments

Once you become accustomed to how to take time for yourself by utilizing micro-moments each day during the week, consider expanding that time on weekends or in the evenings. You can treat yourself to lunch or go watch a movie you’ve been dying to see.

Perhaps you can sign up for a dance class once a week like I do or join a walking club. Once you begin to take time for yourself on a regular basis, you’ll be surprised to see the changes unfold not only in your mind and body but also in your relationships.

And if you find that you’re still struggling in your efforts to begin taking time for yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Your family and those you love most want the best for you—and that means pitching in to help you feel and be your best. Remember, prioritizing your health is the single best way to give back to those you love.

Upcycling Food: What It Is + 5 Ways to Get Started

Have you heard of upcycling food? It's a newer trend in the food space where you create dishes that would have otherwise been tossed out. It's a great way to cut back on food waste and even lower your grocery bill, but it can be hard to get into the frame of mind needed to execute it properly.

To learn more about upcycling food and how to do it, keep reading about this rising trend and discover how you can incorporate it into your life on a regular basis.

Upcycling Food: What It Is and How To Do It

If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably already in the habit of recycling certain things, such as plastic, glass, and more. But what if you could take it a step further and cut back on your food waste while also saving money on your grocery bill and even support the climate, too?

I’m talking about upcycling food. Upcycled food is simply creating a dish made from ingredients that otherwise would have been tossed out, such as scraps from a prior meal. Think leftovers but on a whole new scale.

The first benefit that comes to mind? You’ll no longer be tossing as much uneaten food, which accounts for 6 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions throughout the world. But there’s more.

You’ll also be saving yourself some money by making your food stretch further—and we all know that organic, fresh produce isn’t exactly what you’d call cheap! In addition to meals, you can also use your food scraps for other purposes, such as homemade cleaners! The options are truly endless.

But how practical is it? I’m so glad you asked!  Let’s take a look at some of the top ways you can get in on the trend of upcycling food.


Upcycling food - Dr. Pingel


How To Upcycle Food: 5 Ways to Use Upcycled Food

Here are 5 of my top tips for upcycling food.

1. Turn fruit into on-the-go snacks.

Whether you have a dehydrator or an oven, you can dehydrate your favorite fruits to make dried fruits for on-the-go snacks. So, how is this a tip for upcycling food?

If you’re anything like most people, we don’t always get around to eating our produce before it begins to lose its freshness. But by dehydrating your fruit, it will last longer and serve as a quick and easy snack for when you’re craving a little sweetness.

2. Toast bread into croutons.

Just as with our produce, it’s pretty common for bread to go stale—especially when you’re nearing the end of the loaf. One thing I love to do is cut up my gluten-free bread and pop it into the oven to create croutons for my salads. It’s a great way to add texture, saves on the cost of (and chemicals in) store-bought croutons, and cuts back on excess food waste!

3. Save citrus peels for cleaning solution.

I’ve been known to add a little lemon peel to my water from time to time, but I also love to steep citrus peels in vinegar for a quick and effect at-home cleaning solution! I like to pack a jar full of peels and then fill it with vinegar for at least a week.

Then, combine the vinegar with a little castile soap, lemon oil, and water, much like this recipe shows, and there you have it—a versatile, multi-purpose cleaner!

4. Transform vegetable greenery into pesto.

If you love pesto, this is one upcycling food trend you’re going to want to try! Simply use your vegetable greenery (I often use carrot top greens) as the base for a delicious pesto.

Just blend your greens with some nuts, basil or sage, olive oil, and garlic and watch your family ask for seconds—never knowing your secret ingredient!

5. Use apple cores to make apple juice.

Finally, one of the most common scraps that makes for a great upcycled food is an apple core! Personally, I like to use apple cores as the base for a healthy homemade apple juice.

Place a small pot of water on the stove and throw in your apple core(s). Add in a little honey or monkfruit sweetener, and a delicious apple juice awaits you! You can also add a little cinnamon for extra health benefits.

Key Takeaways

Am I Crazy—Or Am I Just Exhausted? The Truth Behind Mom-Fatigue!

"Am I crazy—or am I just exhausted?" It's a question many mothers ask themselves on a regular basis—and that's often because we're so overrun with the mental load and our many responsibilities that brain fog inevitably sets in, leaving us feeling utterly overwhelmed and running on empty.

If this sounds familiar to you, you aren't alone. But what should you do? Keep reading to learn all about the mental load and why it can lead to complete exhaustion and feelings leaving you saying, “I think I’m losing my mind.”


“Am I Crazy?” If Not, Then what’s wrong?

In today’s hectic world, it’s pretty common to feel overwhelmed and wonder, "Am I crazy?" But just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s healthy! It adds up—and rather quickly sometimes—leavings us depleted of energy and stamina.

While this experience is prevalent in our population as a whole, I’d venture to guess that no one has more demands or asks themselves “Am I Crazy?” more than the modern mom.

Moms are pulled in every possible direction. Between our physical, mental, and emotional responsibilities to our kids, spouse/partner, and extended family (including aging parents), it’s a lot to juggle.

Then, when you add in the demands of work and being almost constantly available these days, finances, keeping your home in good shape, and, finally, being tasked with remembering everything for everyone, it’s no wonder we feel like we’re losing it!

Think about the amount of time you spend thinking about how to juggle schedules, appointments, extracurricular activities, homework help, your own work demands, quality time with the kids, your spouse or partner’s emotional needs, family time as a whole, dinners and meal prep, cleaning and maintaining the house, staying in touch with friends, caring for your aging parents, managing family finances … the list never ends!

And, shockingly, research and surveys reveal that the more money a mom makes with your job, the greater her demands are at home, too! Crazy, right?

A 2017 report revealed that moms who are also the breadwinners of their family are:

So many of us are being pulled in so many directions that if feels like our lives are in utter havoc!

It’s no wonder that you may have experienced brain fog or even emotional breaks from time-to-time: It’s humanly impossible to be everything to everyone every moment of every day! Yet, we demand this from our minds and our bodies all the time and are surprised when we forget something or feel emotional.

The result? We ask ourselves, “Am I crazy?” or “Am I going crazy?” when, in reality, we should be asking, “What can I do to change this toxic cycle? How can I find some balance and reclaim my energy, my time, and even my sanity while making sure my responsibilities are covered?”


Am I crazy - Dr. Pingel


The Solution: Finding Balance and Reconnection

That’s the million-dollar question, my friend—not “Am I going crazy?” but “What can I do to find balance and feel like myself again?”

Why is that the question? Because, right now, I bet you feel like a shell of yourself and not fully present in your own life.

When is the last time you really connected on a deep level with your kids? When is the last time you slowed down enough just to go outside and breathe in the fresh air for a few minutes? When did you last feel peace? Connection? True, unadulterated happiness?

The key to finding this level of peace, happiness, and connection all beings with your ability to calm your body’s production of cortisol (i.e., “the havoc hormone”). You see, your adrenal glands release the havoc hormone to help your body adapt to the havoc and stress around you. In short bursts, it’s a good thing!

But when you’re constantly under stress or dealing with havoc around you, this constant production winds up sending your body into havoc, and that’s when you begin noticing it: the brain fog. The weight gain. The exhaustion coupled with insomnia. The feelings of failure. The bloating.

The list goes on, but you get it. If any of this sounds familiar, all that havoc inside your body—the result of your body’s attempt to meet the demands of your environment—has led you to the development of a syndrome that’s now controlling your life: adrenal fatigue.

Basically, your adrenal glands are completely run down by the demands placed on them to produce the havoc hormone almost constantly. But you can’t just stop the chaos in your life, right? How can you return to a life of peace and balance?

Believe it or not, there is a proven four-step protocol to treating adrenal fatigue and restoring balance to your life. And practically anyone can do it!

The hardest part? You have to be willing to grant yourself a place at the top of your priority list. I know it can be hard, but if you’re tired of asking yourself “Am I crazy?” and want to return to being your best, most engaged self for those you love, it’s a must-do!

Take Back Control Today!

If you suspect you may have adrenal fatigue and you’re ready to regain control of your health—and your life—today, I want to invite you to take my short quiz to learn if you could have this syndrome.

Then, click here to learn more about this all-too-common syndrome and what to do about it. You can also find in-depth and detailed information on adrenal fatigue, a 30-day plan to help you begin to eliminate the symptoms and restore balance to your life, and even some delicious and family-friendly recipes in my bestselling book Total Health Turnaround.

Make today the day you make the change not only for your family and friends, but for yourself!