The Benefit of Postpartum Exercise At Home (+ 6 Fun Workouts)

If you're looking to do your postpartum exercise at home, or if you're just looking for ways to get back in shape without leaving your new baby, you're in luck!

Today, I'm sharing my top postpartum at-home workouts that I incorporated into my very own life when recovering from giving birth. I loved incorporating my children into my workout routines, and I know you will, too! So, keep reading to get my top-recommended workouts for this special time in your life!

The Benefit of Doing Your Postpartum Exercise At Home

Before we dive into the top postpartum exercises, let’s discuss why you should consider doing your postpartum exercise at home.

Research has consistently shown that brain development in infants (meaning their social, emotional, and overall cognitive development) strongly depends on the presence of having a loving bond with their primary caregiver.

Moreover, increasing evidence has shown that parental inconsistency and neglect can lead to long-term mental health issues along with reduced overall happiness and future potential for the child.

Now, I’m not saying that going to the gym for an hour on a regular basis is neglecting your child—far from it. In fact, I believe keeping yourself healthy and finding a regular outlet for your stress is one of the very best things you can do for yourself and, by extension, your family.

That said, if you can stay close to your infant as much as possible in those very early months to make sure the bond is truly cemented, this has been shown to be beneficial for their development.

Plus, watching your baby sleep peacefully or even incorporating your little one into your postpartum exercise at home may drive you to work a little harder. After all, the healthier you are, the healthier they will likely be—both mentally and physically.

Now that we’ve determined the primary benefit for engaging in postpartum exercise at home, let’s look at six of my favorite workouts!


The 6 Best Postpartum At-Home Exercises

Here are six of my most recommended postpartum exercises to do at home.

1. Yoga

I used to do Pilates and yoga moves with my sons at infants. I would simply place them on the floor in front of my and engage with them as I worked out. It’s actually one of my fondest bonding memories from their early years.

So, how do you do it? Simply place your baby on your yoga mat in front of you and focus on holding poses that keep you face to face. For a specific workout, including a workout recommendation for you to engage with your infant during tummy time, check out this video.

2. Squats

A great postpartum exercise at home is to engage in squats while holding your infant. Start by holding your baby close to your chest while supporting his or her neck with one hand and bottom with another.

Next, stand with your knees about shoulder-distant apart. Keep your toes slightly turned out and bend your knees to lower yourself down, as if you’re sitting down in a chair, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor and your knees directly in line with your feet.

Make sure to keep your heels pressed down to the floor because you’ll be pressing down with your heels to rise back up to a standing position.

For a visual tutorial, check out this video on doing squats with your baby.

3. Lunges

Another fantastic postpartum exercise at home is doing lunges. Simply hold your baby to your chest, similar to how you would for the squat above.

To correctly perform a lunge, begin in a standing position with your feet together. Then, step forward with your right foot (about two to three feet), keeping your back straight and your hips tucked in. Engage your core for stability.

As you inhale, bend both knees and lower yourself until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.

At the lowest point of your lunge, your right foot should be flat against the floor and your left heel should be raised so that you’re only on the ball of that foot.

Exhale as you rise back up to a standing position, then repeat with your left foot leading.

To see how to do this while holding your baby, click here for a video tutorial.

4. Bench press

This postpartum exercise at home should be saved for older infants or even toddlers who have great head and neck stability.

To do the bench press, lie down on your back and hold your baby up above you. Gently lower and raise them, not allowing them to completely rest on your chest.

This arm workout is very effective, but be mindful of wiggly little ones!

5. Curls

For an older infant, this move is a great way to work your abs. Simply hold your baby under his or her armpits and bend your arms at 90 degrees with your elbows tucked into your sides.

Gently lower and raise your baby until your arms begin to grow tired. Make silly or funny faces each time you raise your baby to keep him or her engaged. Here’s a great video to show how to do this move.

6. Dance

Finally, perhaps my favorite postpartum exercise at home is dancing! I love to dance—I even take a class every week as part of my workout regimen. But babies love to sway and move, too! That’s why I’ve been dancing with my boys since they were newborns.

The simplest way to dance with your baby is to utilize a baby wearing garment, such as a wrap or carrier, and simply engage in rhythmic dancing that isn’t too bouncy or fast.

For an example of the tempo and style of dancing that your baby will find calming but will also get your heart pumping, check out this fun video.

Postpartum exercise at home - Dr. Pingel


Key Takeaways

4 Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance in Females

We recently discussed signs of a hormonal imbalance in women. Now let's dive into what you really want to know: the best natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females.

From tips on sleep, diet, exercise, and even the best herbs, I've got you covered. So keep reading to get my most-recommended natural tips and treatments for balancing hormones naturally.


The 4 Best Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance in Females

We often don’t suspect we have a hormone imbalance until we begin to experience the troublesome symptoms. And when it comes to hormones, remember this: The greater the imbalance, the more severe the symptoms.

At some point, if your hormones continue to stay imbalanced, you will take notice. Perhaps you’ll experience undesired weight gain, insomnia, elevated blood sugar or blood pressure … the list goes on and on. And when your symptoms become even greater, you’ll be left with no choice but to take action.

If this is happening to you and suspect a hormonal imbalance may be to blame, check out these top natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females. Give them a try and discuss each with your doctor to see which tips apply best to your situation.

1. Get consistent, quality sleep.

One of the top natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females is to get consistent, quality sleep. Here’s why: Research has shown that several hormones, including melatonin, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin, and even the growth hormone, are impacted by quality sleep and proper circadian rhythm.

But there’s more: Sleep also impacts your body’s ability to regulate glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism, meaning that sleep disturbances not only negatively impact your hormonal rhythms but also your metabolism, leaving you at great risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalance, and even a bigger appetite for junk food!

In turn, having a hormone imbalance is known to impact sleep as well! It’s truly a catch-22, but if you can support your body’s ability to get quality sleep, it can go a long way in supporting healthy hormone levels.

Fortunately, there are some natural ways to fight insomnia and promote quality sleep, from using relaxing essential oils to consuming certain nutrients known to be precursors to the production of serotonin and GABA—neurotransmitters essential for quality sleep. To learn more about these natural remedies for insomnia, click here.

2. Follow a stress management-focused diet.

Another one of the great natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females is to consume a diet rich in nutrients known to support adrenal health. Remember that when you’re under chronic stress, your adrenal glands go into overdrive and produce too much cortisol to help your body manage that stress.

As a result, your other hormones take a back seat, which results in some of the symptoms we discussed above. That’s why eating a diet full of whole foods rich in nutrients such as stress-fighting B vitamins and healthy omega-3 fatty acids can help to prevent and even improve hormone imbalances.

You can learn more about how to follow a stress management-focused diet in my article about adrenal fatigue.

3. Get moving.

Research has shown that engaging in calming exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, walking, or even bodyweight strength training can be one of the top natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females.

Specifically, resistance training has been shown to support healthy insulin levels while yoga is known to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in lower cortisol levels and decreased depression, anxiety, and stress.

4. Turn to healing herbs and supplements.

Finally, we can’t discuss the best natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females without reviewing a few top herbs and supplements.

Personally, I’ve found that supplementing with vitamins and minerals known to be depleted during times of stress, such as magnesium and B vitamins, can help to support hormone balance.

Additionally, taking adaptogen herbs such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and phosphatidylserine (all found in my supplement Total Stress Support) has been shown to not only support your stress response but also help relieve the very symptoms of hormone imbalance that cause you to seek relief in the first place!

For a full list of my top-recommended stress-relieving herbs, check out my article on the 10 Best Supplements for Stress and Anxiety.


4 Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance in Females 1


Key Takeaways

Hormonal Imbalance: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

"Could I have a hormonal imbalance?" It's a question I hear quite commonly, and that makes sense because most people experience at least one noticeable period of a hormonal imbalance at some point in their lives.

But there are certain times in your life that you’re more likely to experience them and certain signs and symptoms to look out for. So, I want to discuss the topic of hormonal imbalances, the top signs you could have one, and what natural steps you can take to help remedy it!


What Is a Hormonal Imbalance?

Simply put, a hormonal imbalance is when estrogen, testosterone, or another hormone presents at higher or lower levels than normal. Now, keep in mind that hormones are chemicals within your body that carry messages from certain tissues and organs to others via your bloodstream. Basically, they tell your body how to function.

Here’s where it gets really interesting, though: Research has identified at least 50 different hormones in your body, meaning there’s a ton of communication happening in your body at the same time.

You may be surprised to learn (or perhaps not so surprised, if you’ve been on this journey with me for a while) that you’re already familiar with some hormones outside of the basic sex hormones we all know, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

For example, insulin is the hormone that helps to regulate blood sugar while cortisol is the hormone that helps your body responds to stressful stimuli. Adrenaline prepares you for “fight or flight” while multiple thyroid hormones support your metabolic health.

Now, with all the different hormones that exist within your body, there’s ample opportunity for something to go awry.

While hormonal imbalances are more common during certain periods of life, such as during a woman’s period, pregnancy, and even perimenopause and menopause, the truth is that they can occur at any time. And they’re especially common during times of stress.

Here’s why: Your body functions best at homeostasis, meaning everything is ordered and stable. But when you’re under chronic stress, your adrenal glands go into overdrive and produce too much cortisol in an effort to help your body adapt to and manage that stress.

The result? For simplicity in explanation, your body “tells” your other hormones to “take a back seat” to cortisol, as it’s looking to address the most pressing need. When your other hormones aren’t functioning properly, you begin to experience symptoms—and some take a while to present while others make themselves known rather quickly.

Keep reading to learn what to expect when you have a hormonal imbalance.


Top Signs and Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance

Could you have a hormone imbalance? Check out these common hormonal imbalance symptoms to find out:


Hormonal imbalance - Dr. Pingel


How to Diagnose a Hormone Imbalance

So, what should you do if you suspect a hormonal imbalance? The first thing you should do is reach out to your physician and make him or her aware that you suspect you may have a hormonal imbalance.

In order to get a true diagnosis, your doctor will need to order a thorough lab panel to assess your hormone levels. You can also order your own lab tests with my custom panels here.


Treatments and Natural Remedies

Now, if you’ve discovered you have a hormonal imbalance, you’re likely wondering how to balance hormones and get back to the old you, right?

Most standard physicians will treat your hormone imbalance in one of two ways. First, if you have low hormone levels, you’ll likely be told you need hormone replacement therapy in the form of pills or injections. And this is warranted in some cases, but not all.

Second, if you have high hormone levels, you’re likely facing therapy in the form of medication or even surgery.

Personally, I like to take a more natural approach first, especially since I’ve found that addressing the most common root cause of hormone imbalances—your body’s ability to effectively manage stress—is highly effective.

Accordingly, I recommend trying my four-step approach before turning to medication, if you and your doctor agree this is a possibility based on your individual circumstances.

You can learn more about my approach here, but it involves eating whole foods known to support your adrenal gland health and hormone production, supplementing with quality nutrients and herbs that have been scientifically proven to support your stress response, incorporating enjoyable movement, and prioritizing the mind-body connection.

And if you need a second opinion on how to treat your own hormonal imbalance, you can always schedule a health consultation with me to discuss your options.


Key Takeaways

The Sacrifices of a Mother: Are You Sacrificing Your Health? Take the Quiz!

Mothers everywhere understand that the sacrifices of a mother for her children know no limits. But how do you know if you're sacrificing your health?

It's a common practice I see in many patients and even friends and family members. We're often so focused on caring for those we love that we forget that if we don't care for ourselves as well, we're ultimately limited on what we can do for our family.

If you're wondering whether or not your health has been impacted by your desire to put others first, take my quiz below to learn if you're sacrificing too much, including your own health. And then keep reading for some of my top tips and tricks for taking some much-deserved guilt-free "me time" to help rebalance and reset!


QUIZ: The Sacrifices of a Mother: Are You Sacrificing Your Health?

Answer the true/false questions below as honestly as you can to learn if your sacrifices for others, especially your kids, are impacting your health.

1. I have less energy than I once had. [True or False?]

2. I often describe myself as feeling overwhelmed. [True or False?]

3. I constantly feel exhausted, even when I get more sleep than usual. [True or False?]

4. I often catch my children’s colds or other illnesses. [True or False?]

5. I easily take on the bulk of the housework and childcare, even if I have a full-time job. [True or False?]

6. Lately, I tend to experience more mood swings and snap at my kids or partner more than usual. [True or False?]

7. I’m struggling with unwanted weight gain, even though I’ve been known to miss some meals. [True or False?]

8. Due to increasing demands and an ever-growing to-do list, I have trouble relaxing—even when I have downtime. [True or False?]

9. I feel guilty when I take time for myself. [True or False?]

10. I have at least one unexplained symptom that I think should be checked out, but I’m too busy to go to the doctor. [True or False?]


I have some tough news, my friend. If you answered “True” to at least three of these questions, it’s likely that the everyday sacrifices of a mother have caused you to also, unwittingly, sacrifice your health. Specifically, you’re showing signs of caregiver burnout along with the early signs of adrenal fatigue.

But don’t worry! I have some tips to help you overcome the ways that the sacrifices of a mother have impacted your health. Keep reading for my top tips to help support your body’s ability to handle stress and calm anxiety.


Sacrifices of a mother - Dr. Pingel


Dr. Pingel’s Top Tips for Improving Your Physical and Mental Health

It’s no secret that the sacrifices of a mother extend far beyond time. When you’re putting your children, and even your partner or entire family, above yourself on a daily basis with no time for addressing your needs, it’s bound to add up.

Those unexplained headaches and bouts of exhaustion? They are the effects—and they’re the signals from your body crying out for help and some much-needed attention.

While it can be tough to make the transition to prioritizing yourself, I have to ask: When is the last time you really put yourself first? I bet it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I get it—I’ve been there, too. But when I saw the impact of my children not getting the best version, the healthiest version of me, I made some changes. So I know that you can, too.

If it helps, every time you put yourself and your health first, think of how it will improve your family’s life. The sacrifices of a mother are understandable, but if you sacrifice too much, namely yourself, your kids could be faced with losing the best parts of you, or worse—losing you altogether.

Here are some of my top tips for improving your health, starting with some smaller steps that I know you can implement successfully!

1. Ask for support.

While I know it can be hard to admit that you can’t do it all, asking your partner, parents, friends, or even a professional nanny or sitter for help for an hour or two can make a huge difference. Just getting out to take a walk or meditate or even just enjoy a funny movie can go a long way in rebalancing your center and helping to release stress.

2. Make some dietary changes.

I know that even just the idea of changing your diet can be overwhelming, but by eating more plant-based whole foods, you’ll consume more nutrients, which will support your body’s stress response and help to prevent those mood swings that can leave your kids feeling sad or confused and you feeling like you’ve failed. You’re a great mom; you just need the right nutritional support so you can show up and be your best!

3. Consider supplementation.

The truth is that we can’t get all the nutritional support we need from even the best diet; there are bound to be gaps. But one of the sacrifices of a mother shouldn’t be supporting her body on a cellular level!

There are many great supplements out there that will support your efforts. If you have trouble finding reputable sources or don’t know where to start, check out my line at Total Health Apothecary. These supplements are hand-selected to support your body’s stress response and help fill common nutritional gaps even the busiest mothers can experience.

4. Seek additional guidance.

When we get stuck in unhealthy habits and cycles, it can be hard to break them. You may need the guidance of an understanding physician to help you along.

One thing I often see in both my Personal Health Consultations and in my concierge patients is that many people just need the guidance along with the emotional support to get started on the right path.

Look, I’ve been there, so I get it. But just know that you absolutely have the power to turn things around—and you don’t have to do it alone!

The major reason I offer these services is to help people just like you turn your health around so that you can feel like yourself again and support longevity in order to be there for those you love the most for as long as possible. That doesn’t sound like such a sacrifice now, does it?

Key Takeaways:

6 Natural Energy Boosters: Foods + Supplements + Lifestyle Changes

If you're anything like my friends, family, patients, and even me, you have a lot on your plate. And it can be so draining! So, if you're looking for some natural energy boosters, this is one article you’ll want to read.

Ready to get all my tips on ways to increase your energy naturally so you can feel and perform your best? Let’s dive right in and discuss my top six natural energy boosters.


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

6 Effective Natural Energy Boosters

Here are six of the most effective natural energy boosters. Give them a try and watch your energy soar to new heights!


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

1. Eat a nutritious breakfast.

It’s pretty common when we’re under stress that we don’t pay as much attention to what—and when—we’re eating. For example, have you ever been so busy in the morning that you’ve run out of time to eat breakfast or been so consumed with work that you forgot to eat lunch?

Those are common examples of chronic stress and the resulting adrenal fatigue—a major energy zapper!

One of the best things you can do if you’re looking to start implementing natural energy boosters is to begin eating breakfast in the morning.

Here’s why: Studies have shown that people who regularly eat breakfast tend to stay more satisfied throughout the day and have up to 60 percent higher levels of energy-supporting iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D than those who don’t regularly eat breakfast. [1]

But there’s more. According to a 2011 study confirmed that the type of breakfasts you eat have a direct impact on your energy levels. Breakfasts consisting of lower amounts of carbs and higher amounts of protein were found to be associated with higher self-reported energy levels! [2]

Personally, I love to incorporate natural energy boosters in the forms of whole foods in my breakfasts. It’s pretty common for me to eat eggs with a healthy fat source, such as avocado, and a side of low-sugar berries.

If you’re cravings something sweeter, though, you may want to opt for these Super Delicious Breakfast Cookies, which are packed with protein in the form of chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and almond butter! The best part? You can make them ahead of time to just grab and go on busy, hectic mornings!


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

2. Cut the caffeine.

While many of us rely on our morning cup of joe to get going, it’s actually quite counter-productive.

Because coffee contains caffeine, it often causes the body to increase cortisol production and can even cause anxiety if consumed in higher volumes.

The high volume of caffeine in energy drinks can lead to cardiovascular risks such as an irregular heartbeat or even cardiac arrest. [3]

Need an alternative? In terms of natural energy boosters in the form of beverages, green tea contains a much lower amount of caffeine than coffee and black tea. And it also contains many antioxidants and properties that help prevent the crash we often encounter after the caffeine wears off from our coffee beverages.

Plus, green tea is known to provide several health benefits, including helping to lower blood pressure, possibly helping to prevent cancer, and helping to boost the immune system, among others. [4]


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

3. Manage your stress.

While it may seem like the adrenaline rush of stress gives you an energy boost, over time you’ll find that constant adrenaline takes a toll. Chronic stress can wear you out and leave you feeling exhausted and depleted, not to mention at greater risk of further health problems.

Most people who are under chronic stress report that they crash after lunch and then find themselves wide awake in the middle of the night, which hinders their energy the next day. As a result, finding ways to reduce stress is key to increasing your energy levels.

Taking time to yourself, whether it’s in the form of a walk, meditation, or curling up with a good book can be a great way to relieve some of the stress you encounter each day. Find what works best for you to have a little down time and then make sure to take a few minutes each day to incorporate that into your routine.


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

4. Stay active.

Getting some exercise each day not only helps improve your health and wellbeing, but it’s also one of the top natural energy boosters I recommend. [5] Simply taking a 10-minute walk will help to get your blood moving, which helps to circulate oxygen throughout your body and improve your energy level.

If you start to feel the effects of the mid-day slump, skip the standard afternoon latte and try doing some brisk walking around the block instead. Need a concrete plan? Check out my Walking for Weight Loss e-book, which isn’t just for people who want to lose weight! The protocol is based on reducing stress and cortisol levels, making it a perfect guide as you’re starting out.


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

5. Supplement.

As I mentioned above, consuming energy drinks can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to further fatigue and lower energy levels. Instead of turning to these sugar-filled drinks, consider these natural energy boosters: supplements!

The best supplements to boost your energy? Adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and schisandra berry.

So, how effective are they? According to one animal study, taking an extract of ashwagandha root restored energy levels in mice who had disease-related diminished levels of energy. [6]

Meanwhile, another study found that taking rhodiola twice daily and saw a significant reduction in fatigue. [7]

If you’re looking to take advantage of these herbs, the easiest way to do so is in supplement form. Personally, I use Total Energy to help support my body’s stress response and provide the power of these three incredible adaptogens and keep myself feeling energized throughout the day.


Natural energy boosters - Dr. Pingel

6. Take a power nap.

When it comes to natural energy boosters, this one is a trick tip, but worth mentioning. When you feel exhausted, an afternoon nap can sound like a great idea. But here’s the problem: If you have trouble rising, resting too long during the day or napping too frequently can set you up for insomnia and further exhaustion. [8]

So, if you’re feeling run down and think a quick power nap will help, just make sure to set a timer or alarm for 20 minutes. Any longer will disrupt your sleeping patterns and set you up for exhaustion the following day. [9]

Key Takeaways

The Best Immune Booster For Kids? Dr. Pingel’s Top 5 Recommendations

Looking for an immune booster for kids? You aren't alone.

It's back-to-school time, and given the ongoing circulation of out-of-season viruses, we're all thinking of ways we can support our kids' immune systems. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help support their immunity while also supporting other aspects of their health and well-being as well!

Want to learn more? Keep reading to learn about the best ways to support your children's immune health as they venture back to school!


The Best Immune Booster For Kids: 5 Tips to Support Their Immunity

Here are my top recommended tips if you’re looking for a great immune booster for kids as they venture back to school

1. Get plenty of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is probably most well-known for its ability to support your immune system. But exactly how does it work?

According to research, vitamin C assists your body’s immune defense by supporting numerous cellular functions within your immune system. But that’s not all. It also helps to protect your body against pathogens and promotes the removal of free radicals from your skin, which strengthens the barriers in your skin. As a result, it offers potential in protecting your body against environmental oxidative stress. [1]

According to a 2013 meta-analysis of 30 trials involving 11,350 participants, the most active participants reduced their risk of getting a cold by an amazing 50 percent when they took 200 mg of vitamin C daily. [2]

Furthermore, taking that amount of vitamin C each day also reduced cold symptom duration in children by 14 percent.

While vitamin C should be consumed every day, this study shows that vitamin C deserves a place in your child’s routine as they head back to school and especially at the onset of cold and flu season.

2. Take vitamin D.

While it isn’t as well-known for its immune-supporting abilities as vitamin C, vitamin D has been shown to support children's immune health, suppress inflammation linked to autoimmunity, and even regulate allergic responses, making it a great immune booster for kids! [3]

Most of the health benefits of vitamin D can be linked to the fact that its antioxidant-rich properties are known to improve cellular function and repair DNA. Additionally, research has shown that being sufficient in vitamin D reduces the risk of both flu and COVID infections. [4]

Personally, I like to give my kids vitamin D in liquid form. It only takes one single drop to give them all the protection they need each day. But if you’re looking for a more creative way to administer it, check out my recipe for these delicious-tasting 4-Ingredient Homemade Vitamin D Gummies.


Immune booster for kids - Dr. Pingel


3. Consume zinc from diet and supplements.

A top recommended immune booster for kids that I always turn to is zinc. Here’s why ….

According to a 2011 study, using a minimum of 75 mg each day of zinc lozenges reduced cold duration by up to 42 percent! [5]

So why is zinc so effective? A 2010 study confirmed that zinc activates your body’s T-cells, which are known to not only stimulate and moderate your immune system but also help attack invaders (such as viruses, bacteria, and even cancerous cells). [6]

Just remember that there are a lot of zinc products on the market—and some are more bioavailable than others. To get a list of which types you should consider, and which to avoid, click here.

4. Get a good night’s sleep.

Making sure your kids get to bed on time and get plenty of quality rest is another one of my top suggestions when asked about a great immune booster for kids.

Simply put, when children get more rest, their immune system gets to repair and strengthen.

Accordingly, a 2019 study revealed that proper sleep improves T cell functioning, which is important because your immune system requires healthy T cells for optimal function. [7] This is important because healthy T cells are necessary for proper immune function.

In fact, according to one study following 153 people who came into contact with rhinovirus, those who slept less than seven hours at night were 2.94 times more likely to develop a cold compared to those who slept eight hours or more. [8]

Now, kids can be notoriously difficult to settle and get to dreamland. So, if you’re looking for a few tips on how to establish a nighttime routine for better sleep, check out my article filled with tips that will help your little one drift off a little easier.

5. Manage stress and anxiety.

We’ve previously discussed how stress can make you sick. But you can’t just tell your kid to stress less, right? And going back to school can be quite stressful for children.

So, what do you do? I’ve found that supporting your child’s adrenal health is the single best way to help boost his or her body’s ability to handle stress. And by calming their stress, you’re helping them to naturally lower their cortisol levels.

This is critical because research has confirmed that chronic elevations of cortisol can increase the production of inflammatory cytokines, which ultimately compromise the body’s immune response to illness. [9]

This is why managing stress and anxiety is such an important immune booster for kids. Click here to learn more about how to best support adrenal health and help prepare your child’s body to handle any stress that comes their way.

Well, there you have it: my top recommended immune boosters for kids. Give each a try and see how they work for your children as they head back to school. And if you’re looking for even more tips, check out my article on 4 Healthy Back to School Tips.