4 Golden Beets Benefits You Need to Know About

Over the last several months, we’ve discussed many plant-based foods that offer incredible health benefits. But we haven’t reviewed the many golden beets benefits you can (and should!) be taking advantage of.

From lowering blood pressure to fighting inflammation to supporting liver health, this is one vegetable you’ll want to include in your diet. Plus, I have an incredible golden beets-based recipe you just have to try!

So, let’s “dig in” and learn all about this delicious root vegetable.


All About Golden Beets

You’re likely familiar with red beets, which are known to contain many vitamins and minerals along with health-promoting nitrates and antioxidants. The good news here is that those are all very same components are found in golden beets!

Where goldens beets differ from red beets are in the types of a certain antioxidant known as betalains they contain, which is responsible for the color differences you see. [1]

Betalains are divided into two basic types, known as betacyanins and betaxanthins. Red beets contain betacyanins while golden beets contain betaxanthins. Regardless, both are rich in antioxidants.

But this difference opens up golden beets benefits to include another element. As with most orange- and yellow-colored plant-based foods, golden beets are known to be a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium, and more.

As you can see, golden beets are an incredibly rich source of many health-promoting nutrients. And that just means they offer some amazing health benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the top golden beets benefits found by researchers.

4 Golden Beets Benefits 

Golden beets, which are sweeter than red beets, contain betaxanthins and nitrates—meaning they help lower blood pressure and fight inflammation! But that’s not all. Here are a few of the top golden beets benefits you need to know about


Golden beets benefits


1. Help lower blood pressure

Did you know that one cup of beets offers more than 440 mg of potassium? This is important because potassium is known to be a blood pressure-lowering mineral. So, if you struggle with high blood pressure, this is one of the top golden beets benefits you’ll want to pay attention to!

So, how does it work? Well, eating potassium can actually reduce the effects of consuming sodium in your body because the more potassium you consume, the more sodium you flush out via your urine. [2] And by negating the effects of sodium, the potassium in golden beets benefits your blood pressure levels!

In fact, one study revealed that when participants supplemented with potassium, their average blood pressure readings dropped significantly. The average blood pressure reading before supplementation was 151/93 mm Hg. After supplementation, the readings dropped, on average, to 138/88 mm Hg. [3]

Additionally, the researchers stated that eating more potassium-rich foods would likely have the same effect on blood pressure as supplementation. That’s good news if you’re looking to capitalize on the blood pressure-lowering benefits of golden beets.

But, of course, there’s an exception here. If you already have low blood pressure, it doesn’t mean that golden beets are off limits for you. Beets help to lower your blood pressure over time—if you have high blood pressure to start with.

This means that if you have low blood pressure, you can still enjoy the other health benefits of beets without worrying about a significant drop in your blood pressure. Good news, right? Isn’t it amazing how plant-based foods help your body find its natural balance

2. Contain anti-inflammatory properties

Because golden beets are rich in antioxidants, they offer a powerful anti-inflammatory punch. This is one of the most important golden beets benefits you’ll encounter, since we know so many of our modern ailments can be tied back to chronic inflammation.

But just how effective are beets in fighting inflammation? Well, according to a 2016 study, patients with hypertension who consumed beet juice for two weeks displayed significantly reduced inflammatory markers. Their cholesterol levels were decreased as well while their flow mediated dilation increased. [4]

As we’ve discussed before, inflammatory markers directly measure internal inflammation, meaning incorporating beets into your regular diet could be a great way to help prevent inflammatory-mediated conditions.

3. Support liver health

When it comes to golden beets benefits, you may be surprised to learn that beets are one of the top foods you should consider if you’re looking to detoxify your liver.

This benefit is due to the fact that beets contain betalain, a methyl donor and type of amino acid, which increases your enzymes to support detoxification. [5]

Additionally, beets have been found to help thin the bile in your liver, which supports better digestion. Why is this important? Well, inadequate bile flow is linked to poor liver detoxification. [6]

Interestingly, beets scored better than asparagus, eggplant, turnips, green beans, carrots, and cauliflower in relation to its bile acid binding abilities.

4. Serve as a rich source of fiber

Finally, we can’t discuss golden beets benefits without acknowledging that this root vegetable is an incredibly rich source of fiber.

With 3.8 grams of fiber per one cup serving, beets provide a nice amount of fiber, which is known to support your health in many ways.

In fact, numerous studies have shown that consuming fiber in linked to reduced risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and even heart disease! [7]

Specifically, a 2018 meta-analysis confirmed that consuming 18 grams of fiber each day significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. [8]

Additionally, given the skyrocketing rates of digestive concerns our nation is facing, incorporating more fiber-rich foods such as delicious golden beets is really a no-brainer.

How to Eat Golden Beets

If you’ve ever eaten a red beet, you know they have a bit of a strong, earthy flavor that can be an acquired taste for some. The good news is that golden beets aren’t quite as strong as red beets. And, as I’ve already mentioned, they have a sweet flavor profile.

As a result, raw golden beets are one of my favorite additions to salads. They’re also delicious when roasted with a little olive oil, garlic, and rosemary. But I like to incorporate them into other dishes as well.

If you’re looking to start by “sneaking” them into other dishes, give my Roasted Golden Beets and Pumpkin Soup a try. It’s rich, savory, and creamy and features roasted golden beets, pumpkin, and fresh thyme. Plus, it’s the perfect dish on a cold day

Regardless of how you choose to eat them, golden beets benefits your health when you add them to your vegetable rotation. So, play with a few different methods of preparation and dig in!


Key Takeaways

Do You Have a Leaky Gut? (+ 3 Natural Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome) 

If you’ve heard of leaky gut syndrome but aren’t quite sure what it is, you aren’t alone. This relatively new term has been getting a lot of attention over the last few years from many notable medical experts and even numerous researchers. But why is that?

As it turns out, leaky gut syndrome is a very serious concern that affects more people than you may have guessed.

If you’re curious to know more about what leaky gut is, the top symptoms, and what you can do about it if you suspect you may have it, keep reading. This is one article you don’t want to miss!


What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

As with all topics, we must begin at the beginning and review what, exactly, leaky gut syndrome is.

Within your digestive system, you have an intestinal, or gut, lining that controls what material enters your bloodstream. It also helps to prevent the loss of water and electrolytes your body needs to function.

When working properly, or with small gaps in this lining, nutrients and some water are allowed to seep through and enter into your bloodstream and reach your organs.

When your intestinal lining develops larger cracks or holes, however, more harmful substances are allowed to leak through. These substances consist of everything from toxins to bacteria to even partially digested food! This condition is referred to as leaky gut syndrome—because substances are literally leaking out of your gut and into your body.

The problem with this is that when harmful materials seep into your body, it can cause chronic inflammation not only throughout your digestive tract but also throughout your entire body.

This opens you up to experiencing a myriad of problems, including many chronic diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and more.

One of the reasons why leaky gut syndrome can be such an issue is that when harmful substances leak into your bloodstream, they trigger an immunoglobulin response. And when this happens, you’re more likely to develop delayed sensitivity reactions to foods, otherwise known as food intolerances.

Once this triggers your immune system, it can cause all sorts of other symptoms as well. This is why so many gut issues are related to autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s, lupus, and more.

As you can see, leaky gut syndrome isn’t something to be taken lightly.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

So, the next logical question is: What causes leaky gut syndrome?

Studies have shown that while everyone has some degree of leaky gut (since the intestinal wall is intended to be penetrable), some people experience a greater likelihood of experiencing leaky gut syndrome.

Researchers have found that leaky gut syndrome can stem from a few different causes. Some of the most common culprits are genetic predisposition, poor (inflammatory) diet, and stress. [1, 2]

While you obviously can’t do much about your genetic predisposition, the good news here is that you can absolutely control your dietary choices. And while you may not be able to control your psychological stress, you can also absolutely help your body better manage both psychological and physiological stress.

This means you don’t have simply live with leaky gut syndrome. But how do you know if you even have it? Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms of leaky gut. You may be surprised to learn how common many of these symptoms are!

8 Leaky Gut Symptoms

Here are the most common symptoms of leaky gut syndrome:

As you can see, these symptoms are pretty common. So common, in fact, that surveys have shown that 74 percent of Americans are unknowingly living with symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. What’s more is that they’ve reported living with these symptoms for more than six months! [3]


Leaky gut syndrome - Dr. Pingel


3 Natural Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Fortunately, as I said above, you don’t have to just settle for living with leaky gut syndrome. There are several things you can do to help remedy this syndrome, including taking digestive enzymes, probiotics, and even getting more rest at night.

One herb I highly recommend is glutamine, which is imperative for healing a leaky gut. When taken in conjunction with other anti-inflammatory herbs known to promote digestive health, glutamine is known to help repair your intestinal lining. (Think of it like putting aloe vera on a cut.)

While this is a great start, here are three more incredibly effective natural remedies that I recommend for those with leaky gut syndrome.

1. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.

It stands to reason that if eating inflammatory foods increases intestinal permeability, eating an anti-inflammatory diet would reverse that damage, right?

Several studies have shown that improving your diet can, in fact, reverse intestinal leakiness as well as mucosal damage in the intestines. [4]

Specifically, plant-based diets have been shown to promote a diverse and stable microbiome, which is important to support the integrity of your intestinal lining. [5]

For more information on eating a plant-based anti-inflammatory diet, including my 10-step plan to get you started, click here.

2. Support your body’s stress response.

The next best thing you can do to combat and help reverse leaky gut syndrome is to support your body’s stress response. And here’s the great news about that: By eating a plant-based anti-inflammatory diet, you’re already on your way!

It’s been well documented that there’s a strong link between the status of your gut microbiome and your chances of developing stress-related conditions such as anxiety and depression. [6]

So, it’s easy to understand how supporting your body’s ability to handle stress can help to support your gut integrity, right?

A few things I like to recommend to help support your body’s stress response are staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, taking adrenal-supporting herbs and supplements, and embracing the mind-body connection by meditating, deep breathing, or even journaling to help decrease your body’s cortisol levels. [7]

3. Exercise each day.

Finally, one way you can help reverse leaky gut syndrome is by incorporating a little movement every day.

Studies have shown that engaging in cardiovascular exercise each day can help support digestive health by promoting a healthy gut microbiome. [8]

Meanwhile, other studies have revealed that exercise supports stable and enriched microflora diversity, which is known to support the health of the brain-gut axis and overall health. [9]


Key Takeaways

How to Pickle Foods (+ The 5 Best Things to Pickle!)

When you think of the best things to pickle, odds are that cucumbers, cabbage, and maybe even eggs come to mind. But you may be surprised to learn that some of the best foods to pickle aren’t even in that list!

Let’s get a little creative and expand your palette by discussing some of the most surprisingly delicious foods to pickle. Trust me—this is one article you’re going to reference more than once.


How to Pickle Foods

Before we talk about the best things to pickle, let’s review how to quickly pickle foods. Contrary to traditional beliefs, pickling foods doesn’t have to take a long time. In fact, you can have freshly pickled foods in as little as 48 hours! You just need to know how to do it.

Choose your foods to pickle and prepare them by rinsing and drying, then slicing, chopping, and/or peeling them. Place your foods into mason jars. You can also add any herbs or spices, such as garlic, red pepper flakes, fresh dill, turmeric, or thyme.

Next, you’re going to make your brine. Start by putting equal parts vinegar and water in a saucepan. You can use white vinegar or rice vinegar.

Alternatively, you can use apple cider vinegar (my personal favorite, due to the many health benefits is provides!).

Add a little salt and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring to make sure the salt has fully dissolved.

Once it’s mixed, pour the mixture over the foods in the mason jars. Make sure there are no air bubbles, then top with the lids and bring to room temperature.

Once the jars have cooled, place them in the refrigerator for 48 to 72 hours. It’s that simple!

3 Health Benefits of Pickled Foods

Here are three top health benefits of eating pickled foods.

1. Supports digestive health

Pickled foods are fermented foods, which are rich in probiotics. As a result, they contain beneficial bacteria known to support a healthy gut microbiome and digestive health.

Specifically, studies have shown that eating probiotic-rich foods not only increases stool frequency but also reduces intestinal transit time in adults (thereby fighting constipation). [1]

Meanwhile, other studies have shown that eating probiotic-rich foods improves stool consistency, meaning it benefits those prone to constipation as well as those prone to diarrhea. [2]

2. Helps burn belly fat

Believe it or not, one of the benefits of eating pickled foods is that they actually help to prevent and even reduce dreaded belly fat.

In fact, studies have shown that eating fermented foods for two four-week periods significantly decreased obese and overweight participants’ waist-hip ratio as well as their overall body fat percentage. [3]

Meanwhile, another study revealed that women who consumed probiotics for at least 12 weeks lost more weight as well as body fat, in comparison to those who didn’t consume the probiotics. [4]

3. Boosts mental health

It’s been well documented that your gut health impacts your brain health. In fact, this relationship is known as the gut-brain access.

Studies have shown that an imbalance of gut bacteria can cause mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Moreover, studies have shown that consuming probiotics (such as those found in pickled foods) not only reduces the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) but also behaviors related to anxiety and depression. [5]

So, now that you know how eating pickled foods can support your overall health, let’s take a look at some of the best things to pickle! You may be surprised by a few!

5 Surprising Best Things to Pickle

Here are five of the best things to pickle—from vegetables to fruits to nuts! These are a few of my favorite foods, whether they’re pickled, raw, or thrown into other dishes.

1. Avocado

You may be surprised to learn that avocados are delicious when they’re fermented, making them one of the best things to pickle in your entire kitchen! Plus, avocados offer many health benefits on their own—largely thanks to their rich omega-3 fatty acid content.

If you’re looking to step it up a notch, you can also make fermented guacamole! Click here for the recipe.

2. Walnuts

Another one of the best things to pickle is perhaps one of the healthiest nuts around: walnuts! While you may not have heard of pickled walnuts before, they’re actually popular in the U.K. and often served with cheese.

When it comes to the walnuts themselves, they’re a nutritional powerhouse and rich in antioxidants. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to slower aging and lower systemic inflammation. [6] You can learn more about the health benefits of walnuts here.

3. Blueberries

You may be surprised to learn that blueberries are another one of the best things to pickle in your kitchen. Not only do you get the benefits of fermentation, which I mentioned above, but blueberries offer a ton of benefits as well.

Blueberries are incredibly rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals—and one phytochemical in particular, which is known as anthocyanin. This phytochemical is actually the compound that gives blueberries their deep bluish-purple color.

Interestingly, several studies have shown that anthocyanins also contain antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. Accordingly, they’ve been show to support both visual and neurological health. [7]

But those are just two of the many health benefits of blueberries. To learn more, check out my article on the six surprising health benefits you can get from eating this powerhouse fruit.

4. Cauliflower

One of the best things to pickle is cauliflower. But I like to mix this one up a bit and include carrots or bell peppers to make it extra colorful and flavorful. I also like to add a little red pepper flakes and turmeric to this one for some added health benefits.

Speaking of health benefits, as a cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower offers so many—from fighting inflammation to aiding digestion to even supporting healthy weight management!

Click here for more information about how cauliflower supports your health. You may be surprised by all It offers.

5. Cherries

The last on my list of the best things to pickle may be a little surprising: cherries!

While we typically think of cherries as a sweet treat served on top of a sundae or as pie filling, cherries also make a great snack when pickled. To help you get strated, here’s one of my favorite recipes for pickled cherries.

You may be surprised to learn that cherries are actually rich in fiber and vitamin C, the latter of which is known to support immunity, skin health, digestion, and so much more.

One last tip for pickled cherries? They’re fantastic as part of a festive holiday charcuterie platter!


Best things to pickle - Dr. Pingel


Key Takeaways

Improving Sleep, Reducing Stress, and More: The Many Ways Melatonin Benefits Your Health

If you've ever had trouble sleeping and decided to do a little research on your own, you've likely heard about how melatonin benefits your health by improving your ability to fall and stay asleep.

But did you know that melatonin does so much more than that? The simple truth is that melatonin benefits your health in many ways—from aiding sleep quality to reducing your stress levels and more!

So, let’s take a look at melatonin and learn all about what it is, how it works, and how you can use it to support your overall health!


What is Melatonin?

When you think about melatonin, you probably picture a supplement bottle, right? Well, you may be surprised to learn that melatonin is actually a hormone naturally produced by your body or, more specifically, your brain.

You see, upon experiencing darkness, your brain produces melatonin about two hours before your typical bedtime to help ready your body for sleep. Likewise, your brain ceases this production when exposed to light. [1] (This is why I often recommend sleeping in a dark room, away from all screens, which can disrupt your melatonin production.)

Because melatonin is produced in order to promote sleep, it’s often referred to as the “sleep hormone.” Its primary job is to “cue” your body that it’s time to rest. [2]

What Impacts Melatonin Production?

So, it all sounds pretty simple, right? Theoretically, based on what you just learned above, your body should naturally produce melatonin at nighttime and cease production when the sun comes up. But, as with most things in life, it’s isn’t quite so straightforward.

As we now know, stress (both emotional and physiological) has quite an impact on both your body and your brain. So, naturally, it should come as no surprise that the very stress we experience each day also impacts melatonin production.

In fact, studies have shown that stress negatively influences the synthesis of melatonin in the brain, which impacts when melatonin is released. Researchers noted in a 2014 study that this effect may be caused by increased levels of cortisol (the hormone your body secretes in response to stress). [3]

And, if you think about it, this makes sense. Think back to my “bear scenario.” If you actively being chased by a bear (an analogy for dealing with the stress we encounter every single day), you aren’t going to stop to notice that it’s getting dark. And you definitely aren’t going to be able to stop and rest.

Your body is in “fight-or-flight” mode, which is the exact opposite of being in a restful state. So, if your brain is focused on running from the bear (or, more relevantly, actively dealing with work, family, or health concerns), your cortisol production is high and your brain won’t take the time to produce as much melatonin as it otherwise would.

As a result, your body won’t get the “cue” that it’s time to rest. What’s more, though, is that this melatonin production fluctuates due to changing cortisol levels. So, you may find yourself feeling the typical symptoms of adrenal fatigue, such as daytime drowsiness or fatigue.

It’s at this point that many people seek out sleeping aids. And, as a result, they eventually consider taking melatonin supplements. Now, melatonin supplements have been shown to help reduce your levels of dopamine, which you can think of as the “excitement hormone” that helps keep you awake. [4]

As a result, millions of Americans tout the amazing sleep-related benefits of melatonin. But there are other melatonin benefits as well. Let’s take a look at some of the popular and even some of the more overlooked melatonin benefits so you can learn more about this hormone.

Top 5 Melatonin Benefits

Here are five of the top melatonin benefits for your health.

1. Improved sleep quality

So, as we’ve been discussing, melatonin benefits your health by supporting your body’s ability to get ready for rest. But, specifically, melatonin has been found to help improve your sleep quality—something that’s incredibly important for your overall health.

According to a 2013 meta-analysis of 19 studies, taking melatonin significantly improved sleep quality in comparison to taking a placebo. [5]

And really makes sense: If your body is prepared for sleep, you’re more likely to have restorative sleep that causes you to awake feeling refreshed.

2. Helps manage cortisol levels

Another one of the incredible melatonin benefits we need to review is that it actually helps to manage cortisol levels in your body.

Now, I know this might sound a little confusing, especially since we just discussed how stress and heightened cortisol levels impact your melatonin production. But the truth of the matter is that just as cortisol impacts melatonin, melatonin can impact cortisol!

In fact, one study revealed that when eight seniors with insomnia who were known to have low or delayed melatonin production were given supplemental melatonin, it rectified their early onset cortisol production. [6]

The researchers also stated that the delay in cortisol release not only benefits sleep quality but also the control of blood pressure, metabolism, and even mood!

3. Supports vision and eye health

Believe it or not, melatonin benefits your eye health as well! You may be surprised to learn this, but this benefit occurs because melatonin is also synthesized in your eyes—specifically in your retina.

Remember, your eyes are responsible for regulating your circadian rhythms based on their intake of light and darkness. And because melatonin also contains antioxidant properties, it’s able to help protect your eyes from damage from oxidative stress, such as degenerative diseases in your eyes.

In fact, several studies have shown that melatonin may play a protective role against age-related macular degeneration. [7]

One study looked at the effect of melatonin supplementation on age-related macular degeneration. In the study, 100 patients with either wet or dry age-related macular degeneration took 3 mg of melatonin each night at bedtime for three months, and 55 of those patients continued for more than six months. [8]

The researchers found that after six months, visual acuity (sharpness) remained stable, which is a stark improvement to the suspected natural course of those with age-related macular degeneration.

Moreover, the change of the fundus picture was noted as “remarkable,” while most of the participants experienced reduced pathologic macular changes. As a result, the researchers concluded that taking 3 mg of melatonin daily appeared to protect the retina and delay macular degeneration.

That’s a pretty phenomenal finding, isn’t it?

4. May help fight heartburn

When it comes to melatonin benefits, one of the lesser-known perks is that it’s actually been shown to fight GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

According to a 2010 study, 36 people with GERD were divided into four groups (a control group, patients who took melatonin, patients who took omeprazole, and patients who took both melatonin and omeprazole).

Researchers found that, while not as effective as omeprazole, melatonin relieved heartburn and epigastric pain in the participants with GERD both when used alone and in conjunction with omeprazole. [9]

Another study on more than 300 patients revealed that taking melatonin in conjunction with other vitamins was more effective at controlling symptoms of GERD than taking omeprazole! [10]

5. Can help regulate body temperature

As part of your circadian rhythm, your body temperature drops while you’re sleeping. Typically, your temperature runs about a degree or two lower than your regular mid-day body temperature.

This happens because lower body temperature actually helps you not only fall asleep but also stay asleep throughout the night.

Amazingly, taking supplemental melatonin has been shown to lower core body temperature. According to one study, people who took melatonin experienced a 0.05- to 0.3-degree celsius body temperature drop within an hour of taking the supplement. [11]

As a result, the researchers concluded that taking melatonin provides a hypothermic effect that supports better quality sleep.


Melatonin benefits - Dr. Pingel


Supplementing with Melatonin

So, now you know all about the many melatonin benefits you can expect by taking this supplement. But where do you get it and how do you take it?

Well, you can find melatonin at pretty much any health food or vitamin store near you. Alternatively, it’s pretty easy to find online. That said, just because it’s readily available doesn’t mean you should just go grab a bottle and take it every night.

The simple truth of the matter is that because your cortisol and melatonin levels are so closely linked, you must proceed with caution. Make sure to speak with your physician before starting it, and don’t use it consistently.

You can also support your natural melatonin production by supporting your body’s stress response, which will help to reduce your cortisol levels and, therefore, support your brain’s ability to produce melatonin. Click here for more information on how to get started.

And if you’re having trouble falling asleep, you can also check out my article on sleeplessness for some quick tips you can try right away.


Key Takeaways

Natural Cold & Flu Relief + 4 More Echinacea Benefits

If you’re looking for an all-natural remedy to help fight viral and bacterial infections, look no further! Echinacea benefits your health by fighting inflammation, reducing your risk of catching colds, and even speeding up your recovery!

But what, exactly, is echinacea and why is it so effective? Let’s take a look at this herbal wonder and learn all about the many echinacea benefits and how it supports health and well-being.


What is Echinacea?

Echinacea is a popular herb, also known as purple coneflower, that has been used for centuries to treat respiratory conditions such as the common cold, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis and more. [1]

This herb is a flowering plant with pink or purple petals and is part of the daisy family. It’s native to eastern and central North America.

They’re native to North America where they grow in prairies and open, wooded areas.

While there are nine species of echinacea, just three are utilized in herbal medicine: Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea purpurea. [2]

One of the most important properties that provides the echinacea benefits people have come to expect is its antioxidant status. Because echinacea is high in antioxidants, it helps to fight the free radicals caused by oxidative stress.

As you may recall, oxidative stress is linked to many of our most pressing health concerns, such as diabetes, neurological diseases, and even cancer.

But, as I mentioned above, echinacea benefits your body in other ways, too. Let’s take a look at five of the top echinacea benefits and what you can expect when you use this popular herbal remedy.

Top 5 Echinacea Benefits

Here are five of the top echinacea benefits you need to know about.

1. Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Largely thanks to its antioxidant status, echinacea benefits your body by fighting the inflammation that’s linked to so many of our modern diseases. But just how effective is it?

Well, one study that took a closer look at E. angustifolia, E. pallida, and E. purpurea to see how they impacted the immune system of lab animals. The researchers found that each of the species of echinacea significantly increased antibody response and E. angustifolia and E. pallida inhibited inflammation. [3]

Meanwhile, another study published in 2010 found that echinacea completely reversed the cellular pro-inflammatory response caused by certain strains of bacteria! [4]

2. Helps lower the risk of catching colds by 58 percent 

When it comes to echinacea benefits, perhaps the most popular benefit is its reported impact on the common cold. But, that claim has been met by a lot of controversy. So, back in 2007, researchers decided to take a closer look, and here’s what they found.

According to a meta-analysis of 14 studies, the researchers determined that taking echinacea decreased participants’ odds of developing the common cold by an astounding 58 percent!

But, it gets even better. They also discovered that taking echinacea even after you have a cold still offers benefits by helping to decrease the duration of symptoms by 1.4 days! [5]

3. Speeds recovery from bacterial and viral infections 

Just as echinacea benefits people with viral infections, such as the common cold, it’s also been shown to help fight bacterial infections.

In fact, a review of 26 controlled clinical trials found that treatment preparations containing echinacea extracts were effective at positively impacting the participants’ immune systems—a critical part of helping your body to fight off both viruses and bacteria. [6]

Furthermore, another study revealed that taking 10 mg/kg of echinacea each day for 10 days was as effective in treating certain strains of bacteria as taking a pharmaceutical immuno-stimulant! [7] (Note: Please discuss your appropriate dosage with your doctor.)

4. Supports skin health

Did you know that echinacea benefits your skin health as well? Here’s how …

According to a 2010 study, echinacea extract was placed into certain creams and gels and tested on 10 healthy volunteers for their impacts on skin irritation, skin hydration level, and wrinkle reduction.

The researchers found that skin hydration increased by about 7.5 percent while wrinkles decreased by up to 14.92 percent. Meanwhile, no irritation was found. [8]

Meanwhile, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, echinacea has also been found to fight acne.

Studies have shown that, in lab testing, extracts of echinacea reversed the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting from acne and returned the cytokine levels back to normal. [9]

5. Helps reduce anxiety

Finally, one of the exciting echinacea benefits is its impact on anxiety.

In fact, a recent study published in March 2020 followed participants who were treated with 40 mg of echinacea or placebo tablets twice daily for seven days.

Researchers found that those who took echinacea reported decreased anxiety scores by about 11 points while the placebo group reported a decrease of three points. [10] Amazingly, the effect felt by the echinacea group lasted for at least three weeks.

As a result, researchers stated that echinacea preparations may have significant beneficial effects on anxiety in people.

Echinacea benefits - Dr. Pingel

How to Use Echinacea

So, now that you know all about the many echinacea benefits for your health, where can you find this powerful herb?

Echinacea is readily available at most health food stores and vitamin shops. You can also purchase it online. This herb comes in two forms: powdered extract, usually in capsules, and liquid.

Because echinacea can cause certain rare side effects, it’s best to consult with your physician before taking this herbal remedy—especially if you have an autoimmune disorder or seasonal allergies.

And if you have certain allergies, such as ragweed and/or daisies, make sure to avoid use before discussing it with your doctor.


Key Takeaways

Dr. Pingel's 2021 Ultimate Healthy Holiday Gift Guide: The 10 Best Wellness Products for Gifts

There are a ton of wellness products in the market, so it can be tough to navigate what you truly need versus what's nice to have.

Keeping the upcoming holidays in mind, I've compiled a list of my top 10 wellness must-have products for 2021 that will have you covered from the inside-out.

Take a look, and be sure to check out these sites in the next couple of days for extra savings for Black Friday!


2021's 10 Best Wellness Products for Healthy Gifts

Here are the 10 best wellness products that make great healthy gifts.


Wellness products - Dr. Pingel


1. The REVIVE Essential Oils Deluxe Christmas Box

If you follow trends at all, you know that when it comes to wellness products, essential oils have been popular for more than a hot minute—and with good reason! The pure, organic, therapeutic grade options are a much healthier alternative to toxin-laden, chemical-filled scented candles. Plus, they have incredible health benefits!

So, for those in your life who love the scents of Christmas, this Deluxe Christmas Box by REVIVE Essential Oils may be at the top of the best healthy gifts list for you. Go on over and check it out.

The best part? There are even more options to choose from, based on preferred scents, desired health benefits, and the amount you plan to use. Just keep in mind that it only takes a few drops to fill your entire room.


2. TOPPIN HEPA Air Purifiers for Home

We recently discussed the importance of having clean air in your home. After all, air pollution has become the world’s single biggest environmental health risk, linked to around 7 million deaths a year.

So, what makes this air purifier one of my top wellness products? Not only does it contain a HEPA filter but it also features a sponge that allows you to add a few drops of essential oil that will diffuse with the air movement.

It also covers up to 160 square feet and helps to eliminate aa variety of toxins from your air, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and cooking and smoke odors.


3. Total Health Turnaround by Dr. Tricia Pingel

 If we’re going to discuss the top wellness products that make for great gifts, I’d be remiss not to mention by best-selling book, Total Health Turnaround.

Written for all those tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and/or anxious as well as those who have mysterious, unexplained symptoms but no answers, this book breaks down the barriers between your symptoms and the root cause.

It also includes my proven four-step plan for total health, so go check it out and truly give the gift of health this year!


4. Total Health Apothecary Supplements

Speaking of supporting your health, if you haven’t already, check out my site www.totalhealthapothecary.com for some great health-supporting supplements this holiday season.

All bundles, such as my best-selling Anti-Viral Bundle, are regularly 10 percent off. But this year, on Black Friday only, all orders are 30 percent off orders of $100 and more!

Times are still a bit uncertain right now, so if you’re looking for the best healthy gifts and wellness products for your loved ones, consider helping them support their nutritional status, which has been shown to help fight respiratory infections.

The Anti-Viral Bundle includes vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. To learn more about how these nutrients support your body, check out my articles on each:


5. Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner

If you know someone complaining of dry, itchy skin, this one of the best wellness products you could ever give them. I use this body conditioner myself right before I get out of the shower to keep my skin moisturized and healthy.

So, why does it top my best healthy gifts list? Well, it contains cocoa, shea, and cupuacu butters as well as brazil nut, almond, and argan oils. Not only does it smell amazing, but it leaves your skin feeling unbelievably soft. This is one beauty buy you don’t want to pass up this year!


6. Inez Gold Long Pendant Necklace in Rose Quartz by Kendra Scott

If you have a woman in your life who loves jewelry, one of the best healthy gifts you should consider giving is this Inez Gold Long Pendant Necklace in Rose Quartz by Kendra Scott.

If you aren’t familiar with stone properties, rose quartz is believed to help promote love, self-love, friendship, and even feelings of peace and inner healing. It’s also believed to contain properties that help repel pollution and replace negativity with love. [1]

What a beautiful sentiment, right? Not to mention, this necklace is absolutely stunning! Finally, if you need that extra nudge, it’s on sale! So, click above and go check it out before they sell out this holiday season.


7. Risewell Toothpaste

Sometimes, when we think of the best wellness products, oral health doesn’t immediately spring to mind—but it should.

In fact, according to the Academy of General Dentistry, when asked what they first noticed about their coworkers, approximately 40 percent of workers stated they noticed a smile first.

Meanwhile, 96 percent of those surveyed believed that a smile is very important in a person’s overall appearance. [2]

This makes oral health—and your oral health products—a critical part of your beauty regimen.

When it comes to oral health, I prefer Risewell toothpaste because it’s free of the toxic chemicals that fill traditional toothpastes. In fact, the chemicals in our everyday toothpastes are commonly found in laundry detergent and even antifreeze. What’s more is that they’re known to cause mouth sores. [4]

I love Risewell so much that my entire family uses it. And I believe in the product so much that I’ve even partnered with them to give my readers 10 percent off their order.

So, if you’re interested in trying it or giving it as a gift (it makes a great stocking stuffer!), head on over to www.risewell.com and enter in the code PINGEL10 at checkout to save 10 percent.


8. Oway Glossy Nectar

While I love all of the wellness products listed above, the Glossy Nectar by Oway has changed my hair more than any other product I’ve ever used.

It works like an anti-frizz cream but doesn’t weigh down your hair. I found this product after realizing other products would build up in my hair and cause it to become flat.

This product is so light, and my hair is now softer and smoother. In fact, since I started using the Glossy Nectar, I haven’t had to get a keratin treatment in three years. (I was getting them about three times per year.)

The best news? Not only does the bottle last a very long time (because you only have to use a pea-sized amount), it’s sourced from all-natural, organic ingredients. That makes this a fantastic healthy gift for almost anyone in your life.

The bottle only costs $30.56 if you order from Holistic Hair Tribe and click subscribe and save, or you can get it via Amazon for just $28 by clicking here.


9. Bubba Water Bottles

It's no secret that I think it's super important to stay hydrated. One of my best tips is to get a fun water bottle that helps you to keep track of your water intake throughout the day.

Bubba is a brand that offers a variety of bottles and mugs to best it your needs and preferences. You can purchase them almost anywhere, including Amazon for as low as $10.99.

Check them out and consider giving those you love a gift that will help inspire them to stay hydrated all year long!


10. DIY Beauty Gifts

Finally, sometimes a gift just needs a personal touch—and that's where these items come into play.

If you have some interest in making your healthy gifts this year, check out these recipes for my Homemade Apple Cider Soap or DIY Winter Lip Scrub Recipe with Rose and Lemon.

Those you love will appreciate the extra thought and effort—especially when you explain to them how these wellness products benefit their health!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my list of the best wellness products for this holiday season. If you end up purchasing anything on this list, head on over to my Facebook or Instagram page and let me know how you (or the gift recipient) liked it!