6 Summer Activities for The Whole Family

Summer break is upon us, which means many parents are scrambling to find fun and healthy summer activities for kids.

If you’re one such parent, take heart: I have some great summer activities for you that your kids are sure to love! The best part: Most are easy and free! It just takes a little creativity and a can-do mindset!

Ready to dive into summer fun? Keep reading for my top six healthy summer activities for kids!


6 Healthy Summer Activities for Kids

Here are my top recommended summer activities for kids if you're looking for things to do in the summer. Try them out over the break and have your kids rave about the awesome summer they had!

1. Experience nature.

One of my favorite summer activities to do with my kids is to experience the great outdoors. Whether we venture out into national parks or simply spend time in our own backyard, it’s always fun and refreshing to experience nature.

Plus, research has shown that simply getting outside is great for your overall health, supporting stress reduction, vitamin D production, and focus.

In fact, research has shown that the more green space you surround yourself with, the lower your levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). [1]

And a 2019 study revealed that when children who were diagnosed with ADHD took a 20-minute walk in nature, their symptoms improved as much as if they took prescription medication. [2]

So, where should you get started? Here are a few of my favorite outdoor summer activities that will get your kids excited about getting outdoors as a family.

There are many other options, but these are just a few of my favorites to do with my kids. Start here, and then chat with your kids to get their suggestions for fun outdoor summer activities they would enjoy. You may be surprised with the ideas they share.

2. Take advantage of rainy days.

While getting outside is usually preferred in the summer months, if you experience a rainy day, all isn’t lost.

In fact, there’s a popular Danish lifestyle practice, hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) that promotes the benefits off enjoying the simple things in life and feeling cozy and content by surrounding yourself with comfortable, calming elements.

Doesn’t that sound perfect for a rainy day?

But what if your kids are practically “bouncing off the walls” and begging to do something stimulating? Don’t worry—I have you covered! Check out my list below of both relaxing and stimulating indoor kid-friendly summer activities.

While kids are often disappointed when they can’t play outside during the summer, these summer activities are sure keep them busy. And you can always make a plan for the next sunny day!

3. Explore locally.

When you live in the same place for a while, it’s easy to overlook some local “gems” that may intrigue or entertain your kids.

But the truth of the matter is that you can often find a whole slew of fun summer activities right outside your door.

Here are a few of my favorites.

Make sure to check out your local neighborhood to see what all awaits you!

4. Get out of town.

Sometimes you just need to get away from it all. And if you’re able to do it, consider planning a family vacation out of town this summer.

A change of scenery can do a world of good for your stress levels, and it gives you the chance to spend some uninterrupted time with your kids.

So, what kind of summer activities await you? Here are just a few ideas:

If your budget is limited, consider traveling to visit friends or family. It will provide the change you’re looking for but won’t cost as much since you’ll have free accommodations!

You can also invite friends or family along on your trip to help split the costs.

5. Learn a new hobby.

It’s important to incorporate some creative and educational summer activities into your plans over the next few months. After all, we want to keep children’s minds sharp!

Here are a few options to choose from:

Ask your kids if they have any new interests and see if you can incorporate them as new hobbies to provide some fun and healthy summer activities.

6. Get artistic.

Finally, summertime is the perfect time to try to create new forms of art. Have your kids take their paint or watercolors outside and allow them to just create.

Alternatively, they younger kids can try to draw their own coloring pages, while older ones can even pick up drawing how-to books for more advanced works.

Here are a few artistic summertime activities your kids may enjoy:


Summer activities - Dr. Pingel


Regardless of what you choose to do this summer, remember that your kids ultimately just want to spend time with you and do something they enjoy.

So, just focus on having fun and providing them with a stress-free, healthy environment where they can unwind, have fun, and create life-long memories.

How to Get a Fast Metabolism (+ The 6 Factors That Cause Slow Metabolism)

If you've ever tried to lose weight and struggled to move the scale, you may have wondered if you have a slow metabolism and how to get a fast metabolism.

While we often look for quick fixes for how to boost metabolism, the first step is to actually look at the factors impacting your metabolism. From there, you can incorporate ways to boost your metabolic rate effectively.

not sure where to start? Let’s take a look at the top FAQs about metabolism and metabolic rate, the six factors slowing your metabolism, and the best steps to take if you're struggling with yours!


How to Get a Fast Metabolism: 7 FAQs on Metabolism

Here are seven of the top FAQs about metabolism and their answers.

1. What is metabolism? What does it really mean?

When we think of metabolism, we often automatically think of weight. But from a biological standpoint, metabolism is simply the process used by your body to convert the foods and drinks you consume into energy.

The process is rather complex and involves combing calories and oxygen to create energy in order for your body to function.

2. What is basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to function while at rest. This is the minimum number of calories you’d need to consume each day to maintain your current weight, if you didn’t incorporate movement into your day.

3. What is slow metabolism?

A slow metabolism simply refers to the fact that your body burns calories more slowly than someone with a fast metabolism. That means your body needs less calories to perform its daily functions than someone with a faster metabolism.

4. What are slow metabolism symptoms?

Because a slow metabolism requires more energy, it often results in fatigue and lethargy. Additionally, you may find that because you burn calories more slowly, you experience unintended weight gain or have trouble losing unwanted weight.

5. What is high, or fast, metabolism?

Having a fast metabolism means your body burns calories faster than someone with a slow metabolism. As a result, your body needs more calories to perform its basic functions.

6. What are fast metabolism symptoms?

Because your body burns calories at a faster rate, having a fast or high metabolism often results in easier weight loss or generally lower body weight, higher heart rate, and sometimes feeling hot throughout the day.

7. How do you get a fast metabolism?

If you’re wondering how to get a fast metabolism, the key to keep in mind is that you’re looking to burn more calories while at rest (or increase your BMR). To do so, you can incorporate a few lifestyle changes, such as exercising more, eating more of the foods known to require more energy to digest (more on that below), and getting enough sleep.


6 Major Factors Impacting Your Metabolism

Now that we’ve discussed the top FAQs around how to get a fast metabolism, let’s take a look at the most common factors impacting your metabolism.

What lifestyle factors can you change in your search for how to get a fast metabolism? And for the ones that are beyond your control, is there anything you can do? Keep reading to learn!

1. Diet

If you’re searching for how to get a fast metabolism, you’ll be glad to know that you can give your metabolism a little boost through your dietary efforts.

There are certain foods that require more effort to digest, such as protein. In fact, according to a 2014 study, consuming protein could increase your metabolic rate by up to 30 percent! [1]

If you’re interested in boosting your metabolism through your diet, consider consuming more plant-based sources of protein, such as nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, mushrooms, and even quinoa.

Why plant-based? Studies have shown that swapping animal proteins for plant proteins supports cholesterol levels and increases both fiber and healthy fat intake! [2]

2. Amount of exercise

In your quest for how to get a fast metabolism, it’s important to consider the amount you exercise.

The truth of the matter is that incorporating movement into your day has been shown to increase your metabolic rate. And while high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is known to be incredibly effective, studies have shown other forms of exercise work, too!

According to a 2015 study, walking at alternating speeds can increase your metabolic rate quite effectively. [3]

Personally, I like to practice interval walking to improve overall fitness and cardiovascular health. Plus, it’s great for weight management and stress reduction!

Want a tailored walking program based on my own personal walking regimen? Click here for more info!

3. Gender

While there isn’t much you can do about this factor, it’s important to know that your gender at birth has a direct impact on your BMR.

The truth is that men tend to burn, on average, anywhere from an additional 750 to 1,000 calories per day. [4]

Ladies, if you’ve ever had the same dietary and lifestyle habits as a male significant other and found that you gain weight more easily than he does, this explains it!

4. Age

Another reason you may be searching for how to get a fast metabolism is that you may have noticed a slight weight gain as you’ve gotten older. And you’re definitely on to something.

Research has shown that metabolism steadily slows after the onset of puberty, and once you hit 20 years old, you can expect a 2-percent decrease in your metabolic rate every 10 years. But there’s more

By the time you reach age 30, your metabolism has slowed to the point that you automically burn about 200 calories less each day than you did at 20! [5] And this number only increases each year.

While you can’t do much about your chronological age, the great news here is that you canimprove your metabolic age, which is your biological age based on your lifestyle and current state of health!

To learn more about how to do this, and to get a true calculation of your current metabolic age, click here.

5. Body composition

One factor that may be standing in your way of how to get a fast metabolism is body composition. Luckily, that’s something you can have an impact on.

According to a 2019 study, having a lean body composition, meaning more muscle and less fat, was positively associated with consuming protein and fat in women. [6]

But how does that translate to an increased metabolism?

Well, did you know that a pound of muscle burns about three times the calories that a pound of fat does?

The translation here? The more muscle you have, the higher your BMR. In fact, research has shown that 80 percent of your BMR is dependent up on how much lean mass you have. [7]

So, if you’re looking for how to get a fast metabolism, increasing your muscle mass is a great place to start. And this doesn’t mean you have to spend hours at the gym.

You can try other strength-training workouts, such as yoga or Pilates. The key is to find what works for you and stick with it.

6. Genetics

Many people often think that having a slow metabolism runs in the family. But the great news here is that this information doesn’t carry the weight we tend to think it does.

Researchers have discovered that heritable factors influence only about 10 percent of your BMR! [8] That means the majority of your metabolic rate is in your control and primarily depends on lifestyle factors.

How wonderful is it to hear that you have the ability to take control of your own health and metabolism through your individual choices? The power to achieve the life you want is in your hands.


How to get a fast metabolism - Dr. Pingel

So, what do you do next in your quest on how to get a fast metabolism? Take the points above and decide which ones are most doable for you first and create a plan. Then, take it one day at a time and begin with small, achievable goals.

And remember, if you need help, inspiration, guidance, or more, you can always reach out to me and schedule a health consultation where I can learn more about your individual situation and guide you as you reach your health goals!

What is Medical Gaslighting? The Signs, Responses, & Consequences

You’ve probably heard the term gaslighting, a form of manipulation that makes you question your own judgement or even your own reality. But have you ever heard of—or even worse, experienced—medical gaslighting?

Unfortunately, it happens far more frequently than many of us realize. And it’s a very real problem in the medical community.

Today, I want to lift the veil on this very real, very prevalent issue and discuss the signs of medical gaslighting, who's most at risk of experiencing it, top signs and examples, and—most importantly—what you should do if it happens to you!


What is Medical Gaslighting?

Some doctors may make you feel like your physical symptoms are in your head (due to stress, lack of sleep, etc.)—a denial known as medical gaslighting.

In fact, medical gaslighting is one of the most common experiences reported to me in my health consultation offerings.

Fortunately, some patients are starting to recognize the signs and are seeking more supportive practitioners when their guts tell them to keep digging and not ignore their body's signals that something just isn't right.

I get it, because I’ve been there myself—a few times.

As a child, I often complained of stomachaches. They were so severe, I hated to eat. Instead of my doctors listening to me and taking my claims seriously, they assumed I had anxiety and possibly an eating disorder.

Eventually, we discovered that I was allergic to dairy, which caused extreme and chronic constipation. If the doctor had only listened, I could’ve found relief years earlier. That, my friends, is medical gaslighting.

Another example took place in my early 30s. My husband and I were ready to start a family, and I wanted to make sure I was healthy and my body was prepared to carry and nourish a baby. So, I went to see my doctor to ask for a full workup.

Instead, I was brushed off and simply told, “You are young; you are healthy.” No bloodwork was ordered. I was sent on my way, left feeling unsure of whether or not we would be successful in conceiving a child.

Fortunately, it worked out and I now have two healthy, thriving sons. But once again, I experienced medical gaslighting. Instead of following my lead and honoring my wishes, my doctor brushed me off and left me feeling like my request was ridiculous given my age.

You’re supposed to be able to trust your doctor. But how can you trust someone who doesn’t listen to your fears or concerns? How can you trust someone who practices medical gaslighting?

The simple answer? You can’t.

5 Signs and Examples of Medical Gaslighting

So, how do you know if you’ve been a victim of medical gaslighting?

If your doctor has ever made any of these comments to you, I'm sorry to say that you've experienced medical gaslighting, my friend. This is what it looks like:

  1. "It's just in your head."
  2. "There's no such thing as _______."
  3. "You're just stressed."
  4. "I'm the expert."
  5. "Stop searching the web for answers."

This list is by no means comprehensive, but it gives you a solid idea of what medical gaslighting can sound like.

And even if your doctor doesn’t make these statements to you, if you leave your appointment feeling brushed off or you’re made to feel “crazy,” there’s a high likelihood you’ve just experienced medical gaslighting.

And there are still strong biases in medicine—both gender- and race-based, which means that certain elements of who you are can increase your likelihood of experiencing medical gaslighting.

In fact, one study revealed that women who went to the ER complaining of severe stomach pain were made to wait about 33 percent longer than men who presented with the very same symptoms! [1]

I don’t know about you, but as a physician and a woman, I find this appalling and completely unacceptable. So, what are we do to? Keep reading to get my insight on how to respond if you’re in a situation similar to the examples above.


Medical gaslighting - Dr. Pingel


How to Respond to Medical Gaslighting

Here’s the major problem with medical gaslighting: It can have disastrous consequences, possibly even resulting in a life-or-death matter in certain situations!

The truth of the matter is that medical gaslighting shouldn’t even exist. As we’ve discussed before, your doctor’s most important role is as a teacher.

Your doctor’s job isn’t to be “smarter” than somebody else or to be a “know-it-all.”

Instead his or her job is to listen, educate, motivate, and help guide you to proper health decisions based on a deep understanding of how your body works.

And, finally, your doctor’s job is to look out for your best interest while making sure you understand the “why” behind what’s happening. This requires a solid doctor-patient relationship built on mutual respect and trust.

After all, studies have shown that when doctors focus on calming patients’ feelings of anxiety and vulnerability and display understanding, patients are more likely to attend future appointments adhere to treatment plans. [2]

So, if your doctor doesn’t provide this level of support for you, it’s time to find one who does. Finding the right fit for you is absolutely critical for your overall health and well-being.

Get a second opinion, but only after you’ve interviewed the doctor to ask about his or her style, methods, philosophies on doctor-patient relationships, and more.

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. And you deserve a physician who will listen to your concerns or situation, take you seriously, and help guide you to the best solution for you.

4 Ways to Naturally Lower Cortisol

Why would someone look for ways to naturally lower cortisol?

When you're constantly under stress, your cortisol levels can remain high, resulting in a myriad of health concerns ranging from inflammation to weight gain, anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and more.

So, the obvious question here is: Are there ways to naturally lower cortisol levels?

The answer is YES—but there are some details you don't want to miss. While I go into great detail in my book, Total Health Turnaround, there are some big-picture items you need to know about today!

Keep reading to learn how you can get your cortisol levels under control to support your overall health.


4 Ways to Naturally Lower Cortisol Levels

Here are four of the best ways to naturally lower cortisol levels and support your health and well-being.

1. Eat a plant-based diet.

Studies have long demonstrated that eating a plant-based diet is one of the top ways to naturally lower cortisol levels. [1]

But how does it work? Simply put, eating a meat-heavy diet puts stress on your body.

And anytime your body is under stress, it calls on your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol.

Now, that doesn’t mean you have to cut out all meat. I recommend making plants at least 75 percent of your diet in order to support your body’s stress response and therefore support normal cortisol levels.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to incorporate more plants into your regular diet, check out my article on 10 Steps to Eating a Plant-Based Diet.

2. Supplement with stress-reducing nutrients.

Another one of the great ways to natural lower cortisol in your body is to supplement with nutrients and herbs known to support your body’s stress response.

Some of my favorites, such as L-theanine, passiflora, rhodiola, Schisandra berry, and phosphatidylserine are known to promote sleep, boost mood, and reduce anxiety by supporting your body’s ability to adapt to stress. [2, 3, 4]

Specifically, the herb ashwagandha not only your adrenal glands, but also the symptoms arising from adrenal fatigue.

Ashwagandha is a gentle herbal tonic and can calm an overactive nervous system, lower blood pressure, calm anxiety, and more. It can also suppress stress-induced increases of dopamine receptors and the output of cortisol. [5]

For a more comprehensive list, click here.

3. Prioritize your mental health.

This is one area I’m passionate about but sadly find that it’s often overlooked in healthcare.

One of the best ways to naturally lower cortisol is to consider the emotional aspect of healing—the mind-body connection.

The truth off the matter is that what you consume on an emotional level has just as much of an impact as the food you eat.

So, how do you prioritize your mental health and the mind-body connection? Practice the following:

For more on these points, click here.

4. Incorporate regular movement.

Finally, practicing stress-relieving exercises is one of the top ways to naturally lower cortisol. Options include yoga, walking, tai chi, dancing, and more.

So, how effective is it?

According to a 2018 study of 52 middle-aged women, just 12 sessions of yoga significantly decreased their levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. [6]

Additionally, a 2008 study revealed that walking for just 20 minutes each day can reduce symptoms of fatigue by 65 percent and increase energy by 20 percent! [7]

Looking for more guidance or an exact protocol to follow? Check out my brand-new Walking for Weight Loss eBook.


Ways to lower cortisol - Dr. Pingel


I hope you’ve found these tips for ways to natural lower cortisol helpful. If you need more guidance on the importance of reducing your cortisol for whole-body health, grab a copy of my book, Total Health Turnaround and begin supporting your body’s stress response and living the life you were meant to enjoy today!

6 Best Fertility Supplements & Vitamins For Women To Get Pregnant

Let’s talk about fertility supplements.

When you're trying to conceive, every month counts. And if it's taking longer than you'd hoped, you're likely looking at every possible angle.

When my patients are having trouble conceiving, I evaluate a number of factors, including whether or not they are taking the best natural fertility supplements. Shown to support fertility, certain supplements are must-haves when trying to conceive and beyond.

Ready to learn more? Keep reading to get my list of top six fertility supplements!


Dr. Pingel’s Top 6 Fertility Supplements

Here are my top recommended fertility supplements.

1. B vitamins

Before we dive into the specific reasons by a B-complex vitamin topped my list of fertility supplements let’s first discuss one important fact: B vitamins are known to support your hormone production throughout your body. And this includes the stress hormone cortisol.

Remember that when you’re experiencing stress, your adrenal glands respond by releasing more cortisol. But according to a 2016 review, B vitamins help to manage cortisol levels by supporting GABA production. [1]

This is critical because research has shown that high cortisol levels are linked to infertility! [2]

So, now let’s review some of the specific B vitamins and how they support fertility.

According to one study, women with the highest levels of vitamin B6 were more than twice as likely to conceive as women with the lowest levels. Furthermore, the odds of early pregnancy loss decreased with higher levels of vitamin B6. [3]

Additionally, a 2012 study revealed that supplementing with vitamin B9 (also known as folate–and specifically methylated folate) supports optimal progesterone levels. Meanwhile, being deficient in vitamin B9 was linked to irregular ovulation. [4]

2. Vitamin D

I’ve discussed previously how vitamin D supports whole-body function. But did you know that vitamin D is one of the most essential fertility supplements out there?

According to a review and meta-analysis of 11 studies on 2,700 women, your vitamin D level is directly linked to your fertility.

When compared to those with deficient or insufficient levels of vitamin D, those with sufficient levels were 33 percent more likely to have live births, 34 percent more likely to receive a positive pregnancy test, and 46 percent more likely to experience pregnancy overall! [5]

This data is a pretty compelling reason to consider using a quality vitamin D supplement, if you’re looking to support your fertility.

3. Zinc

The last few fertility supplements we’ve discussed have mainly focused on their benefits for women. But what if you’re a male looking for fertility support?

Well, research has shown that a zinc deficiency may play a role in male infertility. As a result, supplementing with zinc may be a great option to support male reproductive health.

According to a 2018 review, researchers found that zinc displays a hormone balancing role and actually supports testosterone, the prostate, and even acts as an anti-bacterial agent in men’s urea system.

Interestingly, the researchers also noted that zinc “is essential for maintaining the lining of the reproductive organs.” But perhaps most interestingly, according to multiple studies, zinc benefits sperm quality as well, with a direct relationship shown between levels and sperm quality. [6] 


DHEA benefits the body by aiding in the production of sex hormones in both men and women.

But when it comes to fertility supplements, it’s important to note that DHEA should only be taken in certain situations. Personally, I prescribe DHEA when levels are low, in conjunction with lower cortisol, estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone levels.

Interestingly, studies have shown women who supplement with DHEA, especially those with diminished ovarian function, can increase their likelihood of becoming pregnant by more than 20 percent! [7]

But that’s not all—it’s also worth noting that supplementing with DHEA may be beneficial even after a pregnancy is established.

Here’s why: As a fetus, your adrenal glands produced more than 200 mg of DHEA each day, which is almost 10 times the amount that adults produce! [8] This happens because the placenta calls for more DHEA production to support the development of the embryo. [9]

Interestingly, studies have found that serum levels of cortisol, DHEA, and other hormones drastically decrease during a baby’s first week of life. [10]

So, it’s definitely worth discussing this supplement with your physician!

For more information on supplementing with DHEA, including how much you may need, click here.

5. Omega-3 fatty acid

It’s well documented that omega-3 fatty acids are known to promote sexual health by acting as a precursor of prostaglandins. But did you know that new research has shown it has a direct impact on fertility

According to a study published in May 2022 on 900 women covering 2,510 menstrual cycles, women taking omega-3 supplements were 1.5 times more likely to become pregnant than women who didn’t supplement. [11]

Moreover, a 2017 study revealed that omega-3 fatty acids may help to delay ovarian aging and improve the quality of developing eggs at advanced maternal age. [12]

6. Selenium

Finally, we can’t discuss fertility supplements without mentioning selenium, as one of its primary benefits is supportingreproductive health.

Several scientific reports have noted that a deficiency in selenium is linked to infertility, miscarriage, preeclampsia, preterm labor, gestational diabetes, and more. [13]

And a 2015 study revealed that selenium levels are higher in large healthy ovarian follicles. As a result, the researchers surmised that selenium could perform vital antioxidant functions for the ovaries during later follicular development. [14]


Fertility supplements - Dr. Pingel


Other Supplements Worth Considering

Because this list is by no means comprehensive, I also recommend discussing the following supplements with your doctor if you’re trying to conceive:


If you’d like to learn more about how these—and other—fertility supplements may work best for your individual situation, I want to invite you to check out my Personal Health Consultations.

These one-on-one virtual health and wellness coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs and provide you with the education you need to reach your health goals.

5 Low-Impact Cardio Exercises [To Up Your Workout Game]

HIIT has been having a moment for quite a while now, but if you aren't able to engage in strenuous exercise or if it just doesn't work for your personality or lifestyle, there's another option: low-impact cardio.

And, perhaps shockingly, research has shown that it's MORE effective than high-impact exercise for fighting fat and improving your overall fitness!

Intrigued? Keep reading to learn more about how—and why—low-impact cardio works and get my top recommended low-impact cardio workouts!


4 Benefits of Low-Impact Cardio

Before we dive into the benefits of engaging in a low-impact workout, let’s first answer this question: “What is low-impact cardio?”

Simply put, low-impact cardio is cardiovascular exercise, meaning it increases your heartrate, but doesn’t place as much pressure or force on your joints as high-impact workouts.

Let’s look at some of the top benefits of this type of exercise.

1. Great for preventing fat accumulation

When we think about trying to prevent weight gain and fat accumulation or trying to burn fat, usually a high-impact exercise such as running comes to mind.

But the truth is that studies have shown something else entirely: Low-impact exercise may actually be more effective for fighting fat and improving fitness than high-impact exercise! [1]

According to a 2017 study, 32 women were randomly assigned to either a high-impact workout group or a low-impact group for 24 weeks. Their findings?

While both groups achieved improved body composition, overall fitness, and cardiovascular health, the low-impact workout was found to be more effective in improving fat-free mass, aerobic fitness, and muscle strength!

2. Easier on your joints

Low-impact cardio is easier on your joints because it puts less stress on them. But did you know it can also help to alleviate joint pain?

According to a 2016 study on 48 sedentary middle-aged and older adults with osteoarthritis, engaging in low-impact cardio exercises such as swimming and cycling for 45 minutes three days a week for 12 weeks significantly reduced joint pain, stiffness, and physical limitations. [2]

Moreover, the participants reported significant increases in quality of life and overall fitness.

3. Reduces stress

Another benefit of engaging in low-impact exercises is that they’re known to help you feel more relaxed and calmer.

In a 2018 study, researchers assigned 90 adults who reported regularly experiencing moderate-to-high stress to one of two groups: practicing 16 consecutive weeks of yoga or being placed on a waitlist for eight week and then practicing yoga for eight consecutive weeks. [3]

At the end of the study period, those who practiced yoga or 16 weeks reported significant reductions in stress and anxiety as well as increases in overall well-being.

Interestingly, those who were waitlisted and then practiced yoga for eight weeks also showed significant decreases in stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia after they began practicing yoga for the eight-week period.

4. Supports healthy blood pressure

If you’re looking to lower your blood pressure, pay special attention to this section! Research has found that low-impact cardio, such as walking, is incredibly beneficial for supporting healthy blood pressure levels.

According to a 2021 meta-analysis of 73 trials including 5,763 people, researchers found that walking for approximately 150 minutes per week (about 20 minutes per day), reduced systolic blood pressure by an average of 4.11 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 1.79 mmHg. [4]

Interestingly, the meta-analysis revealed that walking for blood pressure reduction may be slightly more effective in women than in men.

On average, women lowered their systolic blood pressure levels by an average of 5.65 mmHg while men lowered theirs by 4.64 mm Hg.

And the same held true for their diastolic numbers, with women reducing theirs by an average of 2.69 mmHg and men by 2.54 mmHg.

Now that you know some of the benefits, let’s take a look at the specific exercises.


Low-impact cardio - Dr. Pingel


The Top 5 Effective Low-Impact Exercises

There are a variety of low-impact exercises you can choose from—ranging from more general workouts to specific movements. Let’s dive into the most effective low-impact cardio workouts you should be engaging in!

1. Walking

Perhaps the ultimate low-impact cardio workout, walking is something you can pretty much do anywhere and at any time. Plus, it’s highly effective!

According to a 2013 randomized clinical trial, people lost up to 33 percent more weight by walking 20 minutes a day than by remaining sedentary! [5]

But that’s not all. They also lost 28 percent more fat than those who focused on diet alone.

If you want to learn more about what type of walking can yield these results and get the exact protocol I provide to my patients, check out my Walking for Weight Loss eBook.

2. Swimming

With summer almost upon us, swimming is another low-impact cardio exercise you should consider doing.

According to a 2015 study on women ages 40 to 60, swimming as an exercise reduces the stress on your joints, increases your physical strength, and even reduces body fat! [6]

Specifically, the women who swam for 60 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their body fat percentages by an average of about 3 percent

This is significant, especially in comparison with the control group, whose body fat increased by an average of 2 percent!

3. Yoga

One of the most effective low-impact exercises you can engage in is yoga. Not only does it support healthy weight management, but it also helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and even pain.

According to a 2018 study of 52 middle-aged women, completing just 12 sessions of yoga significantly decreased their levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. [7]

But there’s more. A 2011 review of 35 studies confirmed that regularly practicing yoga enhances muscular strength and body flexibility; promotes and improves both respiratory and cardiovascular function; and reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

It was also found to improve sleep and enhance overall physical and mental well-being and quality of life. [8]

As for weight loss, a 2013 review found that yoga was effective due to numerous factors, including heightened mindfulness, increased awareness of satiety, and increased energy expenditure. [9]

4. Pilates

One of my favorite low-impact cardio workouts is Pilates. In fact, I go to a Pilates class every week to maintain my fitness.

So, how effective is it? In a 2019 study, 110 women aged 60 and over were divided into two groups—one group who participated in Pilates and another who didn’t. The researchers found that Pilates group experienced significant improvements in both sleep duration and disturbances.

Additionally, the group who practiced Pilates also experienced improvements in depression and substantial improvements in anxiety. Plus, they reported feeling less fatigued after completing the workouts. [10]

Meanwhile, another study found that Pilates improved college students’ self-efficacy, sleep quality, and overall moods. [11]

5. Dancing

Finally, we can’t discuss low-impact cardio workouts without discussing dancing. Just like with Pilates, I go to a dance class every week to help myself de-stress, stay in shape, and just enjoy staying active.

But there are other benefits, too! In fact, dance has been found to sharpen our brains as we age. [12]

Specifically, research has revealed that dance can help to alleviate anxiety and depression while also improving cognitive ability and quality of life. [13]

Well, there you have it! If you struggle to maintain a workout regimen due to chronic pain or a low level of physical fitness, don’t let that deter you.

Instead, try one or more of these low-impact cardio workouts to get your blood flowing in a way that won’t cause pain or injury to your body. I promise that the benefit—and the energy boost—are worth the effort!