RESTORE Your Adrenals
REINVENT Your Health

80% of Americans have Adrenal Dysfunction
Let’s Turn Your Health Around

I typically work with women who do “all the things” but now struggle with random health symptoms that are slowing them down:

Fatigue or intermittent low energy
Digestion issues
Perimenopausal symptoms
Inability to lose weight
Poor sleep
Prescriptions for medication with unpleasant side effects
Never enough time
4 out of 5
Women have Adrenal Fatigue
Stress is the #1 cause of Adrenal Fatigue
Your body was not designed to deal with chronic stress.
All the tiny stresses in your life add up.


I’m Dr Tricia Pingel and I’m known as the

Adrenal Whisperer

I'm the go-to doctor to...
✔️ Fix your adrenals
✔️ Reverse perimenopausal symptoms
✔️ Lose stubborn weight
✔️ Restore your energy
✔️ Nourish your body back to health

If you have Adrenal Dysfunction, your health will deteriorate.
When you fix your adrenals, most of your health symptoms will disappear and you will enjoy unparalleled levels of well-being!
Watch This Video
If you are stressed out, then so are your hormones. Your adrenals will be forced to use up all your nutrients to compensate. This results in more stress and the cycle continues.

I have the solution to reverse Adrenal Fatigue and restore your body to extraordinary health!

Dr. Tricia Pingel

Here’s what Dr. Pingel’s patients are saying:

Dr. Pingel was the first person who went to the source of the problem and taught me how to handle it. Now I have so much energy! I sleep amazingly. I work out every day and love it. My husband even mentioned that he has his wife back!

Not to be dramatic, but it gave me my life back. I always say Dr. Pingel is the one that finally gave me my life back. I mean it, truthfully.
"Once we started working with Dr. Pingel, we realized that we had a very special doctor truly interested in her patients' well-being. Her responsiveness to our emails, texts, and calls is unheard of in the medical industry. She has an infinite curiosity about all things medical and is not afraid to research problems and solutions. Again, that is just not available with other physicians.”
Matt & Pam

Hi, I'm Dr. Pingel

I am the Adrenal Whisperer. I’m a doctor, boy mom, dog mom, wife, daughter, business owner, fashion model, author, part-time dancer, and amateur chef.

I’m your classic Type-A woman who loves to do “all the things”.

When my mom died, I had a full caseload of patients and didn’t think I could take a leave of absence from work…

I powered through, working 10-hour days and continued to do “all the things.” I thought I could emotionally handle it all because I wasn’t breaking down emotionally at work…

But the stress and my grief were taking a toll on my body. Even though I could emotionally handle the stress, my body couldn’t.

My body went into Stage 2 Adrenal Fatigue right under my nose. I started experiencing depression, anxiety, insomnia, hair loss, anemia, low sex drive, outrageous mood swings and the most painful. . . I wasn’t present in my own life.

Eventually, I stopped being able to do “all the things”. I finally followed my own medical advice and took the necessary steps to reverse my Stage 2 Adrenal Fatigue.

I can confidently say I’m the healthiest today than I’ve ever been. I bounce out of bed every morning and maintain high energy levels until bedtime…I’m inspired to dance several times a day and be authentically ME! I’ve reconnected to my youthful, fun-loving self and truly love my life!

Over the years as a naturopathic doctor I’ve helped thousands of women understand how clinical stress can cause serious damage to your brain and body. I’ve guided thousands of women TURN THEIR HEALTH AROUND and show up as their unique and authentic self.

My book, courses and private practice are dedicated to women like you to stay in control of your health and become the best version of you. I’m excited you’re here and I hope that I can support you on your journey to total healing in your mind, body and spirit.

Get to Know Dr. Pingel

Dr. Pingel's Pillar's of Health

Learn Dr. Pingel’s pillars of Total Health to understand that clinical stress will wreck your body, cause internal nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances that can result in random symptoms that may be dismissed by your doctor.


I don’t believe in counting calories or macros. Learn what the right foods are for your body for optimal health and body weight.


Let’s focus on exercise that calms the body, not puts the body under continuous stress


I have an entire apothecary that will help restore your body and replenish the nutrients you may be missing.

Mind & Body

We have the power to heal and control how our body interprets stress. I want to give you the tools you need to harness your power.

Work With Dr. Pingel

Check out Dr. Pingel's Programs

Dr. Pingel has helped 1000s of women like you, lower stress, lose weight and revitalize their life.

7 Day Challenge: The Ultimate Detox

This is an easy food-based challenge that doesn’t require ANY supplements. Let’s clean out that pantry and start the process of removing stress from your body through hyper focused and intentional nutrition practices. Dr. Pingel has spent years handcrafting the tools to help make immediate change and lose weight in the process. This ULTIMATE Detox comes fully loaded with an e-book AND cookbook written by Dr. Pingel!
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Total Energy Turnaround Program

After the detox, it’s time to go deeper. This is the PERFECT way to kickstart the process of de-stressing the body and overcoming adrenal fatigue. In just 90 days you will gain more energy, bring joy back to your life and finally understand how nutrition and supplements support your adrenal and overall health so you can create balance and focus in your day to day life.
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One on One Concierge

Dr. Pingel WELCOMES you to work in her one on one concierge practice located in Phoenix, AZ. Dr. Pingel’s one on one patients receive a customized health plan, comprehensive labs and routine visits..
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Here’s what Dr. Pingel’s patients are saying:

I’ve lost 65 pounds, and now I’m thinking I can do anything I need to do. Dr. Pingel’s approach supports the whole person, not just a symptom. The change I’ve experienced is momentous—life-changing! I have my life back.
After starting to work with Dr. Pingel, I went off one medication right away, and I’m now off Prozac, too. I love not having to pop that pill every day. Now I wake up in the morning and I’m not tired at all. My coworker said she can’t believe the change in me. I feel like a different person! I’m so happy to share that I lost 65 pounds—and I’ve kept all of that weight off!

Don’t know where to start?

Dr. Pingel has amazing resources no matter where you are on your health journey:

Dr. Pingel has solutions for EVERY ONE

Check out her Total Health Apothecary
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